Virginia Union University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Union University know before they start?


Make sure your really do your research on the school of your desire.


Go visit the colleges you are interested in. Take a couple of days off work and visit the surrounding areas. You might like the college campus, but you also need to feel comfortable in the environment. Talk to the students there to see how their first year was, but do not base your decision totally off of what they say. Everyone's experience is different so talk to a variety of student. Don't go to a college just because your friends are going there. Be open for change and don 't be afraid of not knowing anyone when you get to campus. Once you get accepted into college and figure out what college you want to go relax and have a great summer. If you can stay on campus your first year to get the total college experience. It's fun. Go to different meetings and figure out what organizations you are interested in and choose wisely. Schoolwork should be most important. Finally, have fun because those four years will fly by and they truly are the best years of your life.


I think that the best way for parents and potental college students to select the school that is right for them ,is to find out what university will best provide for them as a whole every school doesnt fit for everybody. I like my school because it does just that For me. My student enviorment is good and i actually enjoy being at the school i attend (virginia union university) it makes me wanna succeed and move foward from my university to another because of the experences that i have had here. in order to make the best of your college experience , my advice would be is to get envolved, get to know people and the administraters at your school. the more interactive you are and the more you feel accepted the smoother your semesters will go and before you know it you will be ready to graduate and more on and be successful in the professional world.


Believe what you hear. Make no assumptions and do thorough research.


The best advice I could give a student who is trying to find the right college is to find the most well-known school that would benefit you ex: Howard University, Spellman/Morehouse. Those are well-known and very good schools. But if your GPA is not qualified for those types of schools you can always start off at a community college make sure get all of your credits together and your grades are good so that you can transfer to the school of your choice. Plus choose a school not based on parties but a school that is going to help you academically.


College forced me to do things that I would normally put off. Things like taking care of my business, leaning to deal with different people, and finally managing my money. These are the things that you should keep in mind when choosing a school. While in school I was required to have interactions with people who had totally different outlooks, outlooks, attitudes, and ways of doing things. These are people I would normally avoid. Through activities such as group work and having a roommate I was forced to put up with different people. This was one of the hardest parts for me to do, because I?m not the most social person. I would really prefer to work on my own and not have roommate. My social skills have grown a great deal. I also believe that it has made me more mentally tough also. I now have more confidence when interacting with strangers, and I have gained the ability to read people better. Going to college helped my growth as a man and my work ethic. You should also keep in mind the people you will run into and the money that is invovled because college is a business.


My advice I would give parents when making a college decision would be do your research about the school. The history really makes a difference because you have the advantage to know about the school before you really attend. I would also advise the student and the parent to go visit the campus take a tour, talk to the current students, and also talk to financial aid to see what they would offer you if you wanted to attend their school.