I would tell myself to know worry about my social life and about sports. Although both are important to me, it is easy to get lost in the world of college. It's different to be away from home and be on your own. College takes time to get used to and now I really I need to buckle down and get ready for next semester.
You’ll soon find that college is tough. Sorry Self, but I refuse to make it easier on you- it’s supposed to be tough. I won’t give you answers to any tests; pouring over Chemistry notes until 4AM will galvanize your work ethic and your integrity. I won’t spill the secrets that’ll make you 'king of campus' either; be true to yourself and the people who matter will love you despite your lameness. No, I’m writing to undo the nettling regret that preoccupies you today: you didn’t take enough risks.
You played it too safe, Self; socially, academically, and creatively. Embrace the experience of your education and express yourself; let go of the fear and anxiety you’ve been holding onto so tightly until now. You’ll feel so unbound, trust me. I know you hate making mistakes, but those feelings of failure will mutate into wisdom once you see where those mistakes lead. Don’t spend so much time agonizing, trying to figure the world out. Hell, you still don’t have it figured out; so continue filling up your mind with ideas, and act on them no matter how risky they seem.
I would advice myself to take more Ap courses and and hader classes that could have been more bebeficial to me. I would also advice myself to not let the fact that i learned english as a second language interfere in my way of becoming a better student who was not scared of hard classes.
Colleges promise many things to prospective students, whether that is through financial aid, social life, or "voted the best food." Each college has aspects about it that do not shed a positive light, but there is always something good to take away from the school you will choose; therefore, where you go is not the most important thing. What I wish i knew before college is that although colleges claim to prepare you for the "real world," that preparation is done by your own hard work and dedication to do well and succeed. The options you have as a young individual really allow you to do whatever you want- you have no limits unless you create them for yourself. It is essential that you embrace, in some fashion, every opportunity that knocks at your door. Because behind each door is a lesson that will make you that much more knowledgeable and aware. College will not prepare you for the real world, but your effort at experiencing new things and challenging yourself will. "A dream comes to pass with prayer, much business, and painful effort."
One year ago I wasn’t sure where I would be. I wasn’t sure what school I would attend or what I would choose as my major. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to a large university or an obscure college. For once, I wasn’t sure what my future entailed. The past four years every teacher, peer, textbook, and class became second nature to my way of thinking; now, is an opportunity to be redefined.
Redefining yourself doesn’t begin with what type of school you attend after high school; it begins by facing your fear. Do not fear in dreaming. Do not fear in achieving. Allow your imagination to take you to the career you wish to hold. Once that dream job is chosen, your major is as well. It is after you dream when you can find the school to help you achieve. Only by achieving your dream will you truly be successful in life. Remember, college is a mile marker in life that cannot be recreated during any other time in life. Therefore, use that time to begin forming a framework to the rest of your life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself some advice to better prepare myself for the challenging, yet exciting years to come. First and foremost, I would talk to myself about the importance of learning how to better balance my busy lifestyle. College is definately more academically challenging than high school, therefore more time must be spent studying. College is also an important point in life in which one finds himself/herself and grows tremendously. It is extremely important to put some time aside to get involved and find yourself. Futhermore, I would advise myself to start developing better studying habits and techniques. I would encourage myself to take the time to sit down, read and understand my school materials thoroughly. I would also recommend not only keeping an open mind but rather embracing the new opportunities, activities and great people you will encounter.
I believe that with these few pieces of advice, my transition would have been a lot easier. However, my college experience has been great and has shaped my into the person I am today. I am thankful for having the opportunity to attend college.
If I had known what I was getting into when I was going to go to college as a senior I would have advised myself of a few things that I believe would have better set me up for my college experience and in succeeding after college. A lot of students are shocked when they arrive in college at the difference in the academically competitive environment as well as the increased workload and responsibility that comes with a college education. I would like to tell my senior self to be more prepared and focused on completing school work as well as being more focused on time management while keeping school work under wraps. The other most important thing I would like to tell myself would be that I should be prepared for real life experience that relates to my future career. As a pre-veterinary student, experience in internships and volunteer work is extremely important and I wish I would have become more involved with experience earlier in my life before college. I think that if I was more aware of these two factors that I would be much more confident in my current college position and future after college.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would change some things. I would tell myself to actually participate in clubs in high school because my high school experience probably would have been a lot better for me. I also would have told myself to take dance because looking back I think it would have been fun to participate in. The last thing I would have told myself would have been to join stugo because you get to plan some of the events that happen at high school and you also get to meet a lot of new friends while you are there.
My advice to my high school self would be to know where you want to go. Don't worry as much about what you want to do with your future, there is so much time to change your major, but you'll regret not being sure of which school you want to attend. Also, you'll miss opportunities while you move around trying to find your niche. Higher education isn't something to be afraid of either, but you need to know how to study and how to whole-heartedly commit yourself to what you are learning and doing with your time.