Washington & Jefferson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Washington & Jefferson College know before they start?


Despite having only spent one semester at W&J thus far, I have learned a lot of valuable things. In my first semester alone I have learned to communicate with people in a way that both parties may learn from the experience. In addition, I have made friends with some people that, albeit cliche, have changed my life forever. Through discussion of life experiences and other such topics, I have learned things that never could be taught inside the classroom. W&J has already provided me with opportunites I will never forget; I cannot wait for the rest.


Being away at college has allowed me to come out of my shell. I used to be a very shy person but now that I've been at college, I am much more sociable. I think that is a very important outcome of my college experience. I have also learned about many new and interesting things that have increased my overall knowledge of the world. I believe it is very important to be knowledgeable in varying areas because new knowledge will give new perspectives on old knowledge.


So far, in the two months that I have been here, I learned too much to put on paper. It started the very first day with the president telling us that over half of us were going to have below a "C" average for the first semester and that less 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of us would have an "A" average come midterms; I refused to accept that . So defying all expectations after midterms I am standing strong with an "A" average, and I look around at my class, and as she said, many of them do have grades that I would considerunacceptable. This taught me that even when nothing special is expected of me, when I try, I can rise above and do exactly what I was told that I couldn't. The power of the will is simply unfathomable. This goes to show that you really can do anything that you put your mind to, you just have to put in the effort along with it; thoughts alone won't get you anywhere.


The obvious response to this question would be that Washington and Jefferson College has afforded me the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in the business world. In fact, by attending Washington and Jefferson I will accomplish this and so much more. College has given me the opportunity to mature as a person, to become more independent, to establish a core set of beliefs and values, and to learn how to make important life decisions. I believe that the thought provoking and diverse instruction offered at W&J has expanded my mind in a way that would never not have been possible had I chosen not to attend college. All the statistics show that an individual with a college degree will ultimately have a better career and bigger earning potential. But the college experience offers so much more. College is an invaluable oppportunity for personal and social growth that you just can't experience anywhere else. I truly believe that I will graduate from W&J a better person than I would have been had I not attended this school.


I have not started attending college yet. I believe it will be very valuable to attend so I can get ahead in life and better myself as a person. There isn't very many options in life without an education. I believe I will learn other skills besides what they teach you from the curriculum. I will learn how to work as a team better, note taking skills, how to get the most out of my time, as well as other things that a book can't really teach you. I also believe that college will help me learn what my passion is. I believe that when you get up every day and want to go to work, it's not really work anymore. Then it is a passion. I don't want to be stuck at a dead end job and hate going to work everyday. I want to enjoy what I do for a living and stick with it.


This past year at Metropolitan Community College in Elkhorn has been an eye-opener. I have been formally introduced to paying for my own education out of my pocket? and the hole there seems be getting bigger and bigger. I work as much as allowed at Hy-Vee as cashier and Fun Plex as lifeguard as I save money. My overbearing parents vow to not lend me a single penny. I will have to take out $16,000 in loans each year to attend the University of Nebraska ? Lincoln, and to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology, I may be in college for up to ten years! However, since I started college, I have learned to adapt the mindset that a higher education costs much money, but when I am successful in my professional career, my earnings will assist in paying back what I loaned out for my UNL education. In addition, I have been volunteering for over three years at Lakeside Hospital as personal staff assistant to the Teen Volunteer Coordinator as well as in the Psychiatric Clinic. Every ounce of my work is benefitting someone else: my ultimate goal in life is to help people as a Psychologist.


W&J has provided me the opportunity to grow as individual. I have studied abroad twice and taken many classses that have broadened my outlook. I could not have asked for better professors and mentors during my time at W&J, and I know it was a great choice for a foundation for my education.


By attending college I have greatened my level of knowledge and have met wonderful teachers and fellow classmates. I have gain a better understand of who I am and why my degree suites me well. I have met so many beneficable people that have guided me in my studies and become life long mentors. I value my experience here at college for everything it has gave me and helped me with.


I have studied abroad twice now and received two really great internships. I have a great job placement potential. Also, I have received a great liberal arts education so far.


In my freshman year of college I have already obtained friends that will last me a life time. I have also met professors that I can relate to and make me very excited to learn. It is vary valuable for me to attend this college because it is the perfect place for me to be. The college suits my lifestyle and where I'm from, it makes me feel like im at home. From being in college for only about a year I have learned so much about myself and not only just my major but the world.