Inteligent students from a wealthy background, who desire to make lots and lots of money later in life.
Work hard play hard.
The student body does not look very diverse, but this is mainly due to its small size. But, because of this size, students know almost all of their fellow classmates by name. We are diverse in different ways. Where else can you find a Cheerleading captain double-majoring in Physics and Engineering? Almost everyone you'll meet is extremely friendly and welcoming. Just visit campus and see for yourself.
Students typically dress up more than the average college students usually would. Dresses and pearls are very common for girls and boys will often don khakis and polos.
Most students are typically from upper middle class East Coast homes. Students are very politically active as W&L hosts a very accurate Mock Convention every 4 years. Students typically lean more towards the right.
The student body is one that emphasizes a "work hard, play hard" mentality.
The majority of students join fraternities and sororities.
The majority of the student body is Caucasian and there is little communication between different racial and socio-economic groups outside of class.
The typical student is from a wealthy family in the South or East region of the country. There are very few minorities, and those on campus are usually international students. Many students have family ties to the school and consider it a stepping stone towards getting a well-paying job. The average student is very driven and serious, and reflect that by dressing nicely to class. The exterior is highly polished just like the politicians many wish to become. If you are not from a well educated and wealthy background it is difficult to reach the higher tiers of the social ladder.
the school is predominantly white, but minority students still benefit from that same sense of community. the administration and student body often focus on making every student-type and orientation comfortable. while rich, polo-wearing conservatives are definately present here, the less-than-wealthy, original will be fine once they find their support group. even the classes provide opportunities for different students to interact. people who are hell-bent on living the same life that they did in high school may be dissapointed, because the campus is unlike most schools outside of Virginia. The campus is very different, but you have a whole new support group to help you grapple. you will undoubtedly be fine if you take advantage of the opportunites: groups, clubs, potential friends etc.
Washington and Lee was historically a white, upper-class, male, Southern school. Though the administration is trying to change that image, it is still largely intact.
Hmm. Lots of white rich kids here. They all tend to dress alike too. It is a study in clones sometimes.
But there are lots of other types too. That is what makes it interesting.
I have had the pleasure of knowing a variety of constituencies at Washington and Lee, and while most students are white and do come from well to do backgrounds, there is a niche for everybody. I've addressed LGBT and women's issues above. I think gay students would certainly feel somewhat out of place at W & L, but that can change from year to year depending on how many gay kids are admitted. Politically liberal students may feel some hostility towards their views, but they will not feel out of place, and some may even thrive on it. It is a politically engaged campus.