The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Washington and Lee University is 23%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Although many students fit this mold, some of these characteristics would make it seem that most students here are snobby or that there is no diversity, which I think is completely untrue. The vast majority of people I have met here are incredibly friendly, kind, and down-to-earth and are willing to work hard to achieve their goals. Before I got here, I was under the impression that I would meet hardly any international or minority students, but I have met and become friends with a large number of them. I think people make too big of a deal of the supposed homogenous nature of this school, because now that I'm here, I don't even think this is true. W&L doesn't emphasize diversity for diversity's sake, but I don't think they should be expected to do so just to meet some kind of quota.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Washington & Lee students are typically thought to be wealthy, southern, and conservative.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
1. Beautiful campus
2. Small class sizes + awesome professors
3. An Honor System that really works
4. Greek Life
5. Alumni who love W&L
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What are the academics like at your school?
I have enjoyed most of my classes here and almost all, if not all, of the professors I've had have known my name and still say hello to me if I run into them on campus. Professors are incredibly approachable overall and willing to help me if I'm struggling in a class. Most of the classes I've taken have actually been easier than I expected, and the workload is generally very reasonable. Some classes though, like art history and Spanish literature, seemed that they would be easy but ended up being much more difficult than I expected. Students do participate fairly frequently in class, although some classes are much more discussion-based than others. I think that most students tend to study a lot, although there are those types who never seem to study and still make straight A's. The best class I've taken here so far was probably Brain and Behavior, a psychology class with an excellent professor that made me want to be a psych major. I think W&L's academic requirements are very reasonable and not at all burdensome. I also find that most students really do care about learning, but some don't seem to display the thirst for knowledge that I think should characterize a student at this school. I have heard and participated in interesting intellectual conversations outside of class, like during meals. Students don't seem to compete with each other for grades but rather just with themselves, trying to always do better than they have before.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Social life was my biggest concern when I was considering W&L, because I'm not into the Greek system or the partying scene, and I don't drink. People party a lot here, and you could go out every night if you wanted to. I've found that there are a lot of other interesting things to get involved with, though, and I generally feel comfortable with my social life here. My closest friends I met either from my fall term classes or actually during orientation week, and we like to do things like going out to eat, to movies, going to athletic events on campus, and hiking. I like to go see guest speakers and go to concerts and other activities on campus as well. Even though this is a small town, I think there is enough to do to keep you busy as long as you don't write it off immediately as a boring small town. I've actually come to appreciate the relaxed pace of life in Lexington. Greek life is a huge deal at this school, and most people I know are involved with it. I chose not to be because regardless of what the viewbooks and tour guides may tell you, the Greek system is very exclusivist and chooses people based on how attractive and wealthy they are and for other shallow reasons, and I wanted no part in that. Actual quote from a sorority girl before rush week: "Make sure you edit all your Facebook pictures and only leave the pretty ones so you have the best chances of getting in to your sorority." I might also add that though this is not always true, the "snob" stereotype fits people involved with the Greek scene much more than it does independents, likely because of the exclusive, "secret society" ideas the system promotes. Girls join the system through rush week, which is characterized by silly rules which tear down the sense of school community (i.e., freshmen girls cannot speak to upperclassmen that week unless they are wearing a pink scarf or some other identifying object, and you can't discuss sororities or even tell anyone which one you want to join). Even if you are not rushing, people make you observe these "rules," which are far better suited to a junior high clique than a prestigious university. For guys, joining a fraternity means eight weeks of "pledgeship," which is a politically correct word for "hazing." Don't be fooled by the anti-hazing policies--they aren't adhered to. The university also allows the Greek system to hold far too much power at this school and turns a blind eye to these serious issues. We say we value honor and character so highly, but what is honorable about hazing a freshman? We say we are a school of multitudinous opportunities, but yet the sororities are tremendously exclusive and use a lot of slick and polished excuses to limit the opportunities of others. I think it's high time that someone exposed this flagrant hypocrisy. Yet most people are afraid to do so because the Greek system has been allowed to become practically sacred here. It doesn't deserve that position. I could practically write a book about this situation, but that should give you some idea of the real deal.
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Describe the students at your school.
Inteligent students from a wealthy background, who desire to make lots and lots of money later in life.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Washington and Lee University is an excellent educational experience for the comitted and intelligent student. Be prepared to spend five hours a day outside of class on schoolwork on a regular weekday, and more when preparing for tests. The social life is unparalelled, with a highly involved Southern greek scene that you will find nowhere else in the United States. The alumni are comitted to the university and its students, and have no problem either helping you find a job after college or sitting on the porch reminicing upon their days at Washington and Lee.
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What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Prepare yourself for the real world. While it may seem like you are in a social bubble at college and it may seem like everybody there is a happy student who wants to make new friends, there WILL be people who will hurt you. People will make decisions that could adversely affect you for the rest of your life. There may not be a way to prevent this but at least know coming in that this could occur and mentally prepare yourself for dealing with people who aren't necessarily looking out for you. Within three months of attending school I was raped. It was not my fault and looking back I cannot see a way to prevent it. That being said, I didn't realize that someone who I considered to be my best friend would be capable of this type of action. You have to open your eyes and realize that not everyone in this world is good and they do not all have good motives. The people closest to you are the ones that are capable of hurting you the most.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
An amazing, vibrant, exciting place where you attain an excellent education.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
Mostly I tell my friends about the amazing academics: the classes are small and the professors pay attention to your individual needs.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Because there are students at Washington and Lee who come from the upper classes, there is a tendency of arrogance and apathy about the student body that can make it hard to get things done. Those students do not participate in fundraisers or charity events, and usually spend most of their time focusing on their personal goals. Not that personal goals are a bad thing, but it is leading to a lack of overall school spirit.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Artsy people may feel out of place at times.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
How huge the greek scene is. To get the full "college experience" at Washington and Lee, one HAS to join a frat or srat.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Sometimes its hard to fit in. For example, since so many people on campus are involved with greek life, labels are associated with certain frats or sororities. Being a member of one will automatically cause people to make assumptions about you and your friends, family, economic status, personality, etc.
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What's unique about your campus?
The students here are focused on school, but still know how to have a good time.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Rober E. Lee was president of the university and is buried there
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What's the Greek scene like?
W&L frats hold the "Pentathalawn Smoke-Off" to see who can produce the best BBQ.
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Tell us about the food and dining options.
By George Cafe is a student hangout on campus.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Rich, white, Republican, Greek-obsessed, Southern, snooty, alcoholics. Very accurate. Those who aren't have no friends; how sad is that?
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What kind of person should attend this school?
You should attend Washington and Lee University if you are a motivated, intelligent, and amicable person. The Washington and Lee and Lexington community is for students of all backgrounds. It is a very intriguing area and full of fun places to go and sights to see. Students tend to come in from the upper classes of the Virginia region, but the school's diversity ensures that everyone is comfortable. So whatever your interest is and wherever you come from, you will certainly find a home at Washington and Lee.
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