Washington and Lee University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The fraternity system runs the social scene, and it all starts the first day the freshmen arrive. An entire semester is devoted to fraternity/sorority rush. This is a great opportunity for freshmen to meet each other as well as to find a house to join. Unfortunately, after freshman year ends, your circle of friends (especially for guys) will also shrink because sophomores live and eat in their respective fraternity houses, leaving little time for interaction with guys in other houses.


big party scene, not much dating actually happens though, frats/srats are a big deal, almost everyone goes greek, the party scene revolves heavily around drinking but you don't have to if you don't want to, lots of religious people choose not to drink and are fine.


The most popular groups on campus are Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delt, Kappa Alpha, Phi Kap and Sigma Chi; those are the sororities or fraternities you want to be in. I am involved in Kappa Delta and it has been one the greatest experiences; if you go to W&L you have to be in the greek system. There is nothing to do on the weekend besides drink; that's what everyone does.


greek organizations are the most popular with 76{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students being greek. i am invovled in the panhellenic council which governs the sororities on campus. it is a group that is respected on campus and plans recruitment, programming and education for the sororities. football games are the most popular and tennis matches are pretty popular too. most people go to events that one of their friends is involved with. we get great speakers and those are always well attended. i met my closest friends in my sorority and one fraternity where i hang out a lot. that is also how i met my boyfriend. he was a friend of a friend and we met sophomore year. i have amazing friends who i am really going to miss next year. we are moving all over the country. we take trips together and go out to dinners together. they are great. some people date, some don't. those who do are typically in long relationships and have been together for awhile. if i'm awake at 2am on tuesday i'm studying and cramming for an exam or writing a paper. there are lots of events that happen ever year: homecoming weekend, christmas weekend, fancy dress, alumni weekend, buffalo creek, derby days, foxfields, maury river tubing...lots of things. people party pretty much every weekend. fraternities and sororities are pretty important and most people are in them. they define the social scene as in parties but only define what you do if you let them. last weekend i watched a movie with my boyfriend on friday night and went to a saint patrick's day party on saturday night. there are events on campus like dance-a-thons, movies, bands, etc. if you don't want to go out to a party. off campus there are movies in town, sometimes speakers, always musical events or plays.


The honor system at Washington and Lee prevails above all. Everyone is comfortable leaving their bags outside the dining hall when they eat and their doors unlocked. As a whole we trust each other.


Greek life is a big part of life on campus here, we have five sororities and are getting a new one next year, also we have something like fifteen fraternities, and Washington and Lee is the founding school of KA. Dorm rooms are never locked and everyone feels comfortable that nothing will be stolen. An event that happens every year is Fancy Dress, a dance that everyone in the school (including faculty) is invited to... it is a fun way to come together as a community. The big party nights are monday, wednesday, friday, and saturday. EVERYONE is welcome at all parties and it is perfectly acceptable to stay in when you are tired or have a paper or test... we work hard and party hard.