SMALL great teachers not much social life
Washington State University Tri-Cities is the delicious wheat of learning among the chaff of Eastern Washington.
it feels like you're home
My University is driven to have their students succeed!
Washington State University is a diverse and welcoming school that is often ignored for other more well known schools, but offers a wide variety of academic programs and research opportunites.
I would consider my school tight-knit, with a very involved community to make going to WSU a very personally enriching experience.
WSU is a big school in a little town, its a fun place to be involved, and there are always fun things to be involved with.
Washington State University overflows with pride, tradition, and opportunity; it encourages students to get involved in activities that spark a passion while providing an array of majors that satisfy most aspects of the professional world, the family feel at WSU is a sensation rare at a college of its size.
Our campus is small, but with great potential!
Despite our school's bad credibility with alcohol, that is simply not true, like many things in life, unless you seek it out you will not encouter it; instead, I guarentee you that you will meet friendly people without trying.
Our school is ran by students for students, it is a great envirement to build the connections necessary for success.
I would describe my college as well diversed and career focused higher learning dedication.
School Spirits is huge. Go Cougs!
It is a great university that caters to you. You can do whatever you want and everyone is nice and the teachers are easy to get along.
Peaceful and beautiful.
WSU in Vancouver, Washington has a serene country atmosphere with extraordinary views of the Cascade mountains, a small student body of around 3,000 that is very diverse in age, professors who are outstanding in their field of expertise and make a point of knowing each student by name, and WSUV feels comfortable like a family.
Terrific, but expensive for out of state students like myself, the campus is great, and the professors are amazing at conveying their points in an interesting manner.
The school that cares about you because you are a part of the Cougar family: Washington State.