The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Washington State University is 72%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
The first thing I would tell myself if I had the opportunity to go back and advise myself would be, to be very open-minded. When entering college you are going to be introduced to so many new things and you should step out of your comfort zone. If you stay secluded from the fun on campus then you are going to stress yourself out by only doing school work. I mean do not get me wrong, focus on your school work but also give yourself some time to have fun. Every great student takes breaks, they are necessary to keep a clear and uncluttered mind. I would also tell myself that stress is going to happen but do not let it over power my life or education. College is now a place where attending should not be dreadful but rather exciting and inviting. A hint I would give myself from the past would be to not be afraid and just be confident. Even though everyone constantly will remind you that it will all be worth it in the end, they are right and you just need to have patience and a positive attitude! GOOD LUCK!!
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Describe the students at your school.
Strive for the best during the day, some party at night, some don't.
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What's unique about your campus?
Good resources for tutoring and for forming connections for later carrier serches. The Teachers love what they teach and it shows in their enthusiasm. It is a wonderful place to learn if that is why you came.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
WSU is a big school in a little town, its a fun place to be involved, and there are always fun things to be involved with.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
There is nothing I wish I already knew before I came, it was more exciting to learn when I got there.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
This school has a beautiful campus that feels safe and gives you a workout while walking to class because of all the hills! The red brick buildings show the age, and history that comes with the college. There are many extra cuticular activities available, so it is easy to find things to do outside of class. Pullman has a small town feel, while providing many stores to buy groceries and other essential items. The three WSU book stores are great places to buy text books as well as plenty of Cougar attire that help keep the college spirit alive!
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about my school is probably how many fraternities and sororities there are. They only hang out with each other and don't really accept new people, and most of the time they act stuck up. I realize its good way to meet people, but I dont want to be stuck with only them I want to have lots of different friends.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
At Washington State University, it would be hard to stereotype the students into a single category. Someone who should attend this school should be looking for a large school where the city is based around the school not vice versa, who is interested in multiple areas of study, who wants to have options regarding where they live, where they eat and if they want to be part of the Greek system. Categorizing the ideal person for WSU would be someone who wants to be able to make their own choices at their university.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
WSU is an diverse and accepting school. Strangers will look at you and smile or nod as you pass on the way to class. The only people that should not attend Washington State University are those that are not willing to work hard for an education and uphold the Cougar standard.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The sunny blue skies almost every day, or that my classes are fun rather than stressful. I feel like I learn a lot more here because the classes are more hands on and less test oriented.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Here at WSU, you will more than likely go through some GER courses where the students in your class are far too numerous for your professor to know by name, but once you pick your line of study and get into your major classes, almost all of your professors will know you by name and will tailor to the class they are teaching.
Its awesome having professors that come into the room, throw the textbook on the table, and without lecture notes can teach you subjects like Differential equations or dynamic systems of mechanical bodies.
The most unique class I have taken so far is Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, it is taught via tele conference to TriCities WSU and is very informational taught by a professor that worked in the industry for decades.
I am in the Honors college, which has class sizes consistently lower than 20 students in each class, where it is not uncommon to spend time outside of the class with your professor, or even inviting them to dinner and such.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
This school is awesome for the close community built among the students and the faculty working for the University. Students seem to almost always have a network of connections spread all over the campus. The school size is just right and has integrated very well with the surrounding city of Pullman with a populous of 20,000. I spend most of my time in the Engineering building, where there are students working all day and most of the night. There is a lot of school pride, and even though our football team has not done well the last few years, we are all excited to see what our new head coach brings to the school.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
That we like to party hard and we are trashy fans.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
That would depend on what you percieve the stereotype to be.
If you are under the impression that WSU is a party school, and are interested in finding that scene, you will have no problem with that. If you are interested in getting highly connected with athletics, you can find that too with the varsity, club, and intramural sports teams. If you are interested in studying hard and doing all sorts of academic programs to supplement your education, there is that too!
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There are so many groups/organizations/clubs/teams on campus, I have no idea what ones are most popular or not.
I am involved with the Horse Polo team. We have practice 5 times a week and play against other universities and travel a lot. It's a lot of fun, and cheaper than keeping my own horse in Pullman. We got to go to California earlier this year and play against Stanford and UC Davis. That was the most exciting thing that I have gotten to do this year.
Most students in dorms leave their doors open when they are in their rooms. If they don't leave them open, they are usually at least cracked a little so you can tell that they are there.
Athletic events are pretty popular. I havn't gone to many this year because I usually have other things goinng on, but most of the people I talk to go to them.I think the only guest speaker that really got any attention was Ron Jeremy. I havn't even really heard of any other speakers that have come. I don't think the theater events are all that popular either. I went to one at the beginning of last semester, and there were only about 30 people there.
Well, I'm not really involved with the dating scene. My boyfriend doesn't go here, and we've been dating for almost 3 years
I met most of my closest friends by having classes together, or from horse polo
If I'm awake at 2 am, I'm usually on the computer
The yearly event that is a big deal is the apple cup.
It really depends on who you are how often you party. If you're really into partying, probably every weekend. For me, maybe once a month or so, I'm not all that into it.
Fraternities and sororities are really important to the people in them, but for those that aren't, it doesn't matter
Last weekend was spring break, so I was at home with family and friends.
On a Saturday night, without drinking, you could go dancing, bowling, see a movie, go out to dinner, hang out with friends... quite a bit of stuff
I go shopping a lot off campus
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
I would say the animal program; the vet school, the grizzly bears, and the dairy. The football is also very well known
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating is not knowing anyone in your first year. I struggled on making new friends because it was pretty hard for me. Until then I started to gain new friends and joined a fraternity to have brothers. Making friends was frustrating, but it works out in the future.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Washington State University is known for its stereotypical students.Common stereotypes include people that party a lot and people who drink excessively. This stereotype is somewhat true, there is a significant portion of the study body that partakes in partying and consuming alcohol. Many students don't participate in that scene and have never partied during there college career or drank. The stereotype is so well known because as a state school that reputation is known throughout Washington and partiers get more attention that students who don't and who conform to the studying-student norm.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
A Washington State Football Game
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What are your classes like?
My classes are interesting and engaging.
People sometimes complain about the difficulty of the courses, but the difficulty is definitely related to how much you learn from it.
I have had classes under a number of colleges at WSU, and they vary in their quality among the departments quite substantially, considering the amount of information you will get during the semester of work.
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