Washington State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Washington State University accurate?


That would depend on what you percieve the stereotype to be. If you are under the impression that WSU is a party school, and are interested in finding that scene, you will have no problem with that. If you are interested in getting highly connected with athletics, you can find that too with the varsity, club, and intramural sports teams. If you are interested in studying hard and doing all sorts of academic programs to supplement your education, there is that too!


Yuppers. They sure are.


For the most part


I am a student in a branch campus.


Nope. Yea Pullman may be a small town with not a whole lot to do, but so much of the student body doesn't party and still has fun things to do. There are many school-funded activities as well such as the up-all-nights.


From what I hear, I suppose so, but I can't confirm that


It is, but it doesn't quite come across as such when you're actually there.




About 80-90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accurate yes. It is an intellectual doldroms out in the middle of a giant wheat field. Drinking seems to be the only real activity that goes on, everything else is just background noise.




Just like any other college environment, many activities are available. If you are interested in those activities, you will find others with those same interests. Those stereotypes are only accurate to those who make it accurate to themselves. I did not make drinking and partying a priority while I was a student and I still had the time of my life while I was in school.


Not at all! I had a great time during my four years at WSU while also benefiting from exceptional professors and motivated peers.




as far as greek row is concerned. Yes


No! Not at all!


Nope, sure people drink but just as much as any other school...maybe even a little less. Some Greeks are assholes who think they're hott shit but most are actually pretty nice!


WSU is easier to get into than Washington State but a lot of people decide to come here first anyway because they love the college town atmosphere. I also do believe we party a lot, but there is going to be partying at any school you go to, especially one with a greek system.


No way! WSU is a small college town, so their are parties, but no more then any other school. And UW isn't any better of a school then any other- they both have strengths and weaknesses.


No, not in my experience.


Only partially. Like all stereotypes, they are based on a few people for whom it is true and expanded to fit all people in that group. Some people do drink and party too much, but not everyone. Some kids are from farms, but most students are actually from the west side of the state in cities. Some people going here are "less" book smart than students attending other colleges, but many students are pre-health, going to vet. school, in our excellent communications and HBM schools, etc.