Washington State University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Washington State University?

Is Washington State University a good school?

What is Washington State University known for?


The school is great. The food is pretty good. The students are nice and the faculty is helpful.


I love this school. Ever since i was in elementary school and came up to the campus i fell in love and it has really come through with my expectations Washington state. Although there may be some professor that are not my favorite, it would happen at any school. I am very happy with this school.


its located in a small town out of no where fun quite place for study and have fun at the same time all students are willing to help each other Pullman college town the school is big the students always complain about tuition a lot of concerts


This school is awesome for the close community built among the students and the faculty working for the University. Students seem to almost always have a network of connections spread all over the campus. The school size is just right and has integrated very well with the surrounding city of Pullman with a populous of 20,000. I spend most of my time in the Engineering building, where there are students working all day and most of the night. There is a lot of school pride, and even though our football team has not done well the last few years, we are all excited to see what our new head coach brings to the school.


I think our school is like a big family and every student is regard equally. I am an international student here, and I usually get many benefits from many international workshops. Also, here are many free services, like free tutoring, free printing...which make us feel good.


There is a strong sense of community on campus at Washington State University. There are many on campus activities for freshman and upperclassmen throughout the year. Being a large state school it is easy for individuals to get lost in the mix and to easily feel like a number, rather than a valued, contributing student. WSU has a well known reputation of being a party school and as such the educational qualities of the school are often downplayed and looked down upon. Pullman is definitely a college town, as the majority of its residents attend WSU. Being such a large school it is harder for students to find personal, less generic experiences in the classroom as teachers present to hundreds of students each class. The university's staff and administration are individually all very nice people, but the current economic crisis with funding have painted them as a whole in a negative light. The school's president is a very nice, attentive man who cares about student concerns but as a student it is difficult to constantly hear about department that are being cut or raises in tuition. Nevertheless, school pride runs rampant in Pullman. People are proud to be cougs, despite out less than satisfactory performance in sports, and you will always see people wearing the school colors on campus. There are multiple coffee shops on campus and in downtown to study, my favorite is Zoe's.


Washington State University believes that it strives on it's motto "World Class Face To Face" In the four years I have been at Washington State University, I have still yet to see that world class come through. Financial aid believes in delivering a hard time to anyone out of societies norm, asking for rediculous, not available and no such thing papers to straighten out a mess that financial aid mis-interpreted and made a big ordeal out of. The administration is nothing to be dealt with, so if you don't absolutely have to speak to someone higher than a proff (including program offices such as the Chem office for example) don't do it. It's just a waste of time and they don't listen anyway. And the alumni center, stay far far away. They wouldnt want you to make a mess out of their expensive vases and tasteless flowers now (only the vases are made of cardboard or styrofoam) Washington State does however do a fairly well job of snow removal in the winter time and cooling in the summer. Very electricly wasteful though sometimes. I never spent any more time anywhere on campus than I had to. The sororities and fraternities are just like you see in the movies only this greek system doesn't need alcohol and drugs to make themselves look like asses. They do just fine on their own. I have not once seen a sorority girl being anything but rude to someone different, bigger, or less 'refined' than them. All sorority girls hang out with their cookie cutter images. Wait.... just about all of the cookie cutter, balimic, gotta have my Prada bag girls seem to click together. And for the guys, well, they aren't so bad, except they are all meat heads who are drawn to the cookie cutters every move. To be honest, i was scared to be on campus. I was once told (by a reliable source) that 96-99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of all sorority girls have had, are on meds for or currently have a STD.


The school claims to be diverse. Racism is worse in Pullman than any otherp place i have lived. Worst of all, the majoriy of whites (dominant group in pullman) beleive the place to be diverse and racism free


Construction on campus is not well organized for people to still get around campus during construction. Beautiful country and lots of activities in community to do.


The thing I love most about Wazzu is our pride. Everywhere you look on campus students are wearing crimson and grey. Our athletic teams are performing very well and the games are packed with fans!


School spirit. In two words, that's wazzu. At any sporting event, thousands of students are screaming their heads off if we're up 20 or down 40. The amount of school spirit here is mind-blowing compared to where I'm from. It is a college town; at first glance, you'll think there's nothing to do. After some research, you can find some places here or over the border in Idaho to do. But for the most part, it's no big city. I spend most of my time exercising on our playfields, rec center, outdoor rec center, track, stadium, etc. There are many facilities open to students, unlike my last university. I don't pay much attention to the political side of college, so I don't know much about the administration. Not being from Washington, I don't fully understand it, but there is something about being a Cougar. A lot of people I know are from Seattle where they could have gone to UW, but there's something about it.


WSU is just a good sized university out in the middle of nowhere. About half the students are from the Seattle area, the rest are from all the small farm towns spread out around Washington. It helps people become more familiar with other aspects of our state that they ordinarily wouldn't be interested in.


The best thing about Washington State is the school pride. Everyone loves being a Coug and once you're a Cougar, you will be for life. There is no town, no malls, no nothing, so the stereotype of being a party school is pretty accurate. When you don't have anything else to do, your social life is based on parties on campus.


If you happen to need a degree that UW doesn't offer, or just don't have what it takes to get in somewhere else I pity you, because you'll end up here (I fell into the former category when I first came here). If you're looking to be treated like a slightly older highschool student this is the place for you, good classes are far and few between and for the most part you can pass just by showing up. You tell me if that's a place you want to be.


alot of school pride, but serioulsy nothing to do there. 4 years of pullman was 4 years to much. If your a city person then your in for a serious culture shock


The best thing about WSU is the pride that the students, alumni, and fans have for this school and the athletic programs. We could have the worst football or basketball team and we would still have fans cheering in the stands. There is no other school that can compare to the Cougs.


Washington State is a large university that feels small, you can almost never walk to class without seeing somebody that you know from class, activities, or just from seeing them around. One of my favorite things about WSU is the unbelievable sense of school spirit and togetherness. Even though I now live in Seattle, I still meet Cougs that are excited about thier alma mater.


Pullman, WA gives WSU students a real college experience. The town is centered around the college and its students are its most prized possession. The size of WSU is just right and there is a great balance of Greek life, residence hall involvement and from those who live off campus. Cougar pride is unlike anything else. We are all so proud to be cougs, but humble in the sense that we don't have to be cocky about our university; we rise above the rest!


I love the opportunities that WSU has provided me. For example, joining the Greek Community, becoming a co-chair of the March for Babies. I love the size of the school, I'm constantly meeting new people, yet everywhere I go I see a familiar face. The new President, Elson S. Floyd, has been a great leader so far just this year and has made a noticable impact on campus.


I think it's just about right, you don't get lost and there's always someone willing to help you with anything from directions to homework to social stuff, just not financial aid.