I attend a branch campus so the student demographics are not the same as those at the main campus in Pullman. About of my classmates are middle age adults who are either returning to school after a career in the military or another proffesion or taking individual classes to better prepare them for further promotions or job opportunities. The other half of the students fall into the more traditional college student mold. They range in age from 18-25 and enjoy the same things that students at other universities enjoy.
They are more focused and determined to succeed than my classmates in high school.
The students here are very well known as "party animals" but truth is people really are here to study and graduate college and move on and the grades they get are actually really important. If you walk into a library you will see tons of frat guys and sorority girls everywhere.
My classmates at Washington State University are always very helpful.
they respect your space and are very friendly to help you out when you're in trouble.
My classmates are young men and women who are striving to improve themselves and have a positive impact upon the world and their families through life experiences and educational opportunities.
My classmates are eccentric and hard working.
Classmates, are some of the nicest and welcoming people I have ever encountered.
My class had some really talented peers whom have now gone on now to become so successful, they now own their own firms.
Undergraduate classes consist of many young and high school students, low maturity rate.
Graduate classes are much older students, but generally more considerate and thoughtful.
WSU is a public university, so it is expected for it to house students from differing economic backgrounds, religious backgrounds, social backgrounds and academic backgrounds. On a graduate basis, the university specializes in veterinary medicine, hospitality, business and communication. However, one over-arching theme is a sense of community. Pullman is a small town and therefore is tight-knit. Walking on campus people will say "good-morning" to people they have never met, help anyone having a problem and make a point to interact with other social groups. It is hard to say any student at WSU is a stranger because we all come from the same Cougar family. If you are concerned about finding a niche, don't be because there is a place for everyone.
Friendly and warm-hearted. Students are studying very hard no matter when there are exams coming soon or not.
My classmates had an eagerness to learn and help others.
At WSU my classmates are often very helpful. I have yet to have a class where I don't make at least a few friends. I rely on them in times where I have to miss class or don't understand the material. It's always nice to know I have others going through the same thing as me. I love being in a class where I can tell everyone is pumped and full of energy. Many of my classes are full of people certified and excited about their education which is helpful to my motivation as well.
Classmates were attentive, supportive and cooperative.
Strive for the best during the day, some party at night, some don't.
My classmates were friendly and helpful.
My classmates are fun, intrigued, lazy, typical, hardworking, dedicated, not easily described in one sentence...diverse
My classmates are very focused in becoming health care providers (exercise physiologist and/or dieticians), we are a close knit class of 11 students and are all hard workers and willing to help each other out in a very competitive program.