Waynesburg University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Waynesburg University know before they start?


I would tell myself to remember not to get too involved in activities because they may hinder my grades. The grades are the most important thing. DON'T PROCRASTINATE OR SLEEP THROUGH A CLASS!!!!! Simply that.


If I could go back in time I would give myself alot of advice. First I would prepare myself more for colllege and study. I would especialy not procrastinate like I did in high school. As a senior I made alot of mistakes and it was a very emotional year for me. I would want to take all of it back and start over. I would also decide on a college alot faster then i did. I made my decision at the last minute which made things complicated. College was very difficult my first semester and it was becasue I did not prepare myself. I needed to take time on my papers, listen to what the teacher was saying and actaully understand what I was doing. Also I needed to study more in high school because at college that takes up most of your time. In high school i did not take many college classes and I wished I had. That way I would of saved alot of money. Overall, I needed to study, listen more in class and not procrastinate.


The biggest advice is to not stress out about the little things, everything will find a way to work out in the end. Also start to learn how to manage time now so that in college it becomes natural to do so. Always keep and open mind and be open to learning new things and meeting new people.


If I was given the chance to go back in time to talk to myself I think I would tell myself, "Just live." In my first semester I let myself fall on my face; My grades were low to were I was flunking out of college, but I still would do it the same because that experience of things not being as easy as they were in high school changed me. It made me realize that I had to take more time to study and simply grow up in life. I think if I could say anything I would tell myself what my dad told me after my midterm grades; "College is about growing up and accepting new responsibilities, you don?t have to become an adult, but you have to do what is needed for this time period!" I really thought hard about that quote for the fallowing weeks of my semester. I realized that my growing up meant that I had to start accepting my faults and just live! To do the things that college requires, putting those hours of studying in, going to class, and still having time for fun.


Expect to completely redefine yourself. You have a calling in this life, to create new songs that speak hope and truth to the world and glorify God. You're going to be stretched and challenged beyond anything you have ever experienced. You just need to cling to your passions and never let go. God is going to mold you more and more into the man you are meant to be everyday. Hold fast to the faith, continue to strive for excellence in skill and in character. Just remember what the Bible says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18


Look more carefully at the schools you've been accepted to. Don't run away from home--you'll realize how much you actually miss it someday. Choose a school that has a nice campus, good activities to be in, nice dorms, free laundry, good food and most importantly, a lot of parking spaces available!


I would tell myself to be prepared to have to balance my social life with my working and scholastic life even more than I had to in High School. There were many times in my freshman year that I wished I was more prepared for the workload of college and the lack of ability to have a social life. I would have told myself that I need to be able to balance what I do with my friends in equal amount with the things that I have to do for school.


The main advice I would give to myself and live by is to start off on the right foot from day one in my freshman year. The years that I wasted by not studying and developing good study habits is affecting my college life now. I have to work ten times as hard as other students and I can spend weeks studying for a test and still not do well. I have also had to give up my summers of freedom and take summer sessions to bring up my gpa to be able to compete in football. In highschool my main objective was to have fun and play football, now that I am a junior in college I have seen the errors of my ways and if I could take that time back and have the chance to make a better student out of myself that is what I would do.


Being a high school senior, I would tell myself to be patient, don't be so anxious to go to college. First, you need to learn your own studying techniques, you will need them when you go to college. Second, you will need to put most of your time into studying. While I was in high school, I just wanted out. I wanted my freedom and new friends. I wish I would have focused more on my grades. If I have a class three hours a week, I study six hours a week for that class. My highschool did not teach me good study techniques, but I am getting the hang of it. I am doing almost better in nursing than I did in high school. I just want my dream job of being a nurse and being the best nurse that I can be.


Just stay calm and everything will be alright. Remeber that during your high school years you had to study a little but more then middle school and the same will be true with college. Don't ever feel like you are not good enough, that you are not living upto your mom's standards. She has always supported you, but never told you that you have to do something a cetian way. You may feel like if you get a bad grade your letting her down but your not, will always support you no matter how much you feel like you are screwing up. Always remeber that no matter how hard it is you and your mom will make it. Don't let money, or the lack thereof, rule your life eaither. You have always helped your mom with money and she has and always will try to help you as well. Always remeber even if you don't have the money to go to school, continue to go. it will make you feel like a better person and it will make your mom so proud. She loves you and that will never change.