First, I would tell myself not to apply for any credit cards. Sounds funny, but it's true! If I knew how easy it is to rack up debt, I would've stopped myself a lot sooner. Second, enjoy the time you've got. I remember being discontented with my life, and wanting to branch out. Looking back, I appreciate my ambition?but I had a pretty rich life. I would definitely tell myself to enjoy my high school years while they lasted. I'm proud to say that I don't have any major regrets. Sure, I've made mistakes, but I learned from all of them. If I didn't make them before, I would have simply made them later in life.
Speaking to my 18-year-old self, I would tell myself to be okay with who I am in the moment. I would tell myself to really take stock of the opportunities ahead, and to go with my gut. I would tell myself to relax, and just let the hard work start paying off instead of worrying so much. Most of all, I would pat myself on the back for a job well done.
Its my first day of the last year of my grade school education, I am a senior at Hillcrest High, graduation date- June 6, 2006. All i can focus on is getting "passing" Grades and finishing Grade School. On this night i am visited by an Older version of myself. The things of which were spoken to me were of kind words, and great advice. She told me to push myself to greater expectations, to ace all of my classes. To apply for as many scholarships as i can, and to maintain a GPA that would possibly Land me a Scholarship. She said to take college credit classes and prepare myself to exceed the average senior students expectations. I was told to apply for the Top Universities of my state and expect to be accepted into these schools. If i fail to receive scholarships, i should apply for Loans and find a good solid job that will help me pay for school. To work my butt of over the summer and save my money, all of it. When Fall comes around i should stay focused, take classes i know i will attend, and study hard!
When you think about your college career, I want you to consider going. It is an awesome experience. You will learn so much and so many opportunities will open for you. Do not wait until you are older to go to school. If you want to get married and start your family do, you have 4 wonderful kids, but remember to not let the opportunity to go to school slip past you. You are smart, you are capable and will do amazing things.
Making myself more aware of looking at things with an open-mind would be my first approach. I would tell myself I need to be aware, punctual, and persistent when absorbing all that school has to offer. Don't be afraid to approach a new subject or try something that interests me, but looks challenging. All I can expect from myself is what I believe I'm capable of. Approach new things with that deep passion that pushes inside and go everywhere with all of my heart. When I bind myself to a situation or state of mind, nothing more can be achieved. Know that setting my limits close with minimal room for improvement will lead me nowhere. Set them far, and thats where you will go. Just be yourself and strive for what you feel to be right and things will fall into place as they should; you will do well!
If I were able to go back in time and give myself some advice, it would be to try living on my own for a couple of months. When one first lives independent of family it is exhilarating. But if one does not have good habits, its easy to get into financial difficulties. Living away from home may also cause initial homesickness and other unforseen stresses. It is a great idea to get comforable with this new lifestyle before throwing yourself into a college and suddenly having a lot of new financial obligations. That, along with make a lot of friends are the advice that I would give.
Jed Bone, this is your future speaking. Looking back to our senior year, we've taken a few college courses already but please, take more. You've received such good grades so far, don't stop concentrating in college and keep on top of your school work. You need to take no less than 4 classes per semester in college. Don't let school work boggle you down, just think how rewarding your efforts will be once your out of college. Even though I'm only in our sophmore year of college, almost done with General Educations and about to receive our Associates degree, I've got a few more years of school to go and even I will take my own advice and not get stressed out by school. Let's make our life as much a success as possible, get your schooling done and over with and don't be afraid to do different things and take chances. Lets live life to the fullest, explore all your options and leave nothing unventured .
I would tell myself not to worry so much and to just take it easy. High school isn't the end of the world or the begining, it's one of those middle things that don't really matter. A lot of people relive thier high school life over and over again in their minds and I would tell myself not to be like that. Life gets a lot better in college, there isn't all the discrimination based on personality attributes and what you wear. All in all I would tell myself not to worry and to just live my life, not to sweat the small things. I wasted a lot of my time worrying about people and how I looked when no one else really cared, I would tell myself to focus more on my education and less on the social aspects of high school.
The advice I would give myself, if i were a high school senior right now is:
1.) No matter what the circumstance is, it is not a good enough excuse to NOT graduate!
2.) Do your utmost best to finish college while you are young! Because when you are older, it will not be as easy to do as it is when you are young !
3.) Although it may seem like every one else is having fun 24/7, college is not a time to be goofing around and playing. This time of your life is VERY important, because it is going to be and make up who you are for the rest of your life ! Life to way too short to take for granted, and the opportunity to go to college may not ever come your way again!
So when all is said and done, use these years to learn what ever it is that you ENJOY andLIKE doing but at the same time be able to earn a good living, so that you can take care of your family without any worry!
I would tell myself to stop playing around and work harder during my senior year. You end up using this year to have fun and there is time for that later. A college education is important even though it doesn't seem like it is now. You have a mother who stayed home and raised you while your father worked. They never emphasized the importance of a college education on you even though your father had one and your mother went for a year until she met your father. You will be the first female graduate on your mothers side of the family, and the second on your fathers side. Your Aunt beats you to the tile on your fathers side. Even though your parents don't emphasize the impotance of an education your mother tells you later that she wishes she would have finished like you did, and your father tells you how proud he is that you finally decided to go to college and work hard like he knew you could. You can do it, and you are smart enough to do well.
Find a good balance between social life and school. While it is important to succeed as a student it is also important to develop relationships that wil bring memories and happiness throughout the journey here on earth. Work hard when its time to work and play hard when its time to play. Jump on oppurtunities that come your way. Experience the world and let the world experience you. Serve others and allow others to serve you. Learn to accept differences. Get along with others. Learn to love to work and study. Push yourself to e your best self. Don't compare yourself to others. Be patient with yourself and be consistant. Enjoy each stage of life for what it is. Don't look back, move forward with determination to achieve your goals. Have fun on this journey we call life!!