Weber State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Weber State University know before they start?


To finish high school and graduate for one. For two, not to wait so long to go to college. Life could have been so much easier for my family and I if I would just done this sooner. When we're young, we can't wait to get out of school. Most of the teachers are mean and horrible. I always wondered why they even bothered getting a teaching degree. We were just burdens to them. College is so different, the professors care about your progress. We are there because we want to be, the circumstances have changed. College is not something that is forced upon us, we are doing this becacuse we want something better out of life. Plus, you get to meet so many people from so many different places and cultures. It truly is a wonderful and amazing feeling. I would tell myself just hold on a little longer, because pretty soon, your real life is about to begin! : )


I would have told myself to laod up with all of the concurrent enrollment that I could possibly have taken, it would save a lot of time and money.


If I could give myself some advise, I wish I would have applied to more scholorships and schools. I knew they were available, but did not think about how helpful they could be, or the various opportunites I could have had. While scholorships are available to me right now, and I could transfer schools, it would probably have been better to have done that in the beginning, when they were being thrown at me as a high school junior and senior. Don't procrastinate those kind of opportunities for your future, because I do regret that I did not have more enthusiasm for what I could be in my future. Regarding the social life, don't be afraid to get out there and meet new people. In college, you often have to work with many different types of people, and this provides a good opportunity for friendships and social activities. And, overall, be serious in your studies and work hard, but also have fun, and make time for things you enjoy as well. Just try to be a well rounded person in all you do.


Find a college that feels right for you. You might get accepted to a fantastic school, but it doesn't feel right. Take campus tours, talk to professors and academic advisors, look at a course catalog, and make sure you're going to be spending the next four years of your life somewhere that makes you feel welcome. College is expensive, but it's completely worth the money if you are at a place that stimulates your mind and helps you to succeed. I got accepted to multiple universities, and after taking tours decided on Weber State because I felt like I was at home on campus. The best thing you can do is research the places you get accepted to so you know what you're getting!


Don't judge a school just by its reputation. Ivy league schools may not be worth the price tag. Do everything you have ever wanted to do at college, but do not obsess about anything. Be willing to make new friends but also willing to let toxic friends go. Go to class! Use professor rating websites judiciously. Remember, that students who fail classes usually blame the professor. Parents, cut the apron strings. Your children need to learn to act for themselves. Students, do not get a credit card unless you really know how to use it. Have fun.


Finding the right college is about more than just which school has the best reputation; it is about which school best fits the personality of the student. There are many great schools out there with fantastic programs, but if the student doesn?t feel like he or she is a part of it, they will never put their whole self into it and therefore will never get the most out of what they have. So while it is vital to choose a school that has a well respected program in the student?s degree of choice, it is equally important to make sure the school has extracurricular programs that interest the student as well as a student body that he or she feels they could easily be a part of. Once someone really feels like a part of something, it is easier to take advantage of everything that is offered.


Go on toars of colleges, see what campus life is really all about. Go on a tour when school is in session so that you can really see how students interact with one another.


Know what enviroment you work best in. Take tours of the campuses and dorm rooms, also make sure your money issues are in order. Find a extra curricular activity that you like to find new friends.


Find a school that you want to attend, while money matters, so does your college experience, and if you settle for less than what you are looking for you may be deprived of a greater experience.


Making the most of the college experience includes identifying not only the right academic program, but also any clubs or organizations that could expand the students' exposure to different cultures, lifestyles, and other aspects of life. In addition, parents should advise kids to carefully evaluate whether the school they wish to attend is a research facility or a school oriented to the working population or to those who run a business. Each type of school will have a different focus and this will affect how the student lives out their college experience. When a commuting student who owns a business or works 40 hours/week is thrown into a research school, their college experience can be daunting as the teachers will be less flexible and understanding of this type of lifestyle. Conversely, other students may wish to focus only on academics , and a research school is better for them as they will focus on grades, academics and perhaps graduate school. Helping your child discover their personal strengths and future desires for their career, be it academic, business ownership or corporate work force, will help determine the appropriate school for your child and a good choice enhances the overall college experience!