Wentworth Institute of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wentworth Institute of Technology know before they start?


The best advice I can give when looking for the right college is never compromise. The right college is out there, and with the help of websites and books, you will find the best college for the price range you can afford. And remember, once you have found the right school, visiting the school will only confirm your insticts- or even steer you in a different direction. It's also a great opportunity to speak to enrolled students or college represenatives. They can help answer your questions about housing, student life, on campus activities, and even financial aid. Once you've made it to the college of your dreams, you can make the most of it by focusing on your education. With the right amount of time management and persistence, there will always be time for friends and activities. You have to remember- you are attending college to gain an education. You will naturally make friends through classes and dorm life that will enrich your college experience as well as ease the adjustment to your new college life. Last but not least, never forget that going to college is the experience of a lifetime, so smile!


Pick a college that is worth the investment. Make sure that it offers the major that your child wants to do. Additionally, in today's economy make sure that the major your child goes into is in need of jobs. Engineering is always great, the world will never run out of Engineers nor ever stop needing them. Make the school be worth the investment.


When looking for a college, be sure that you know what it is that you want to do in life, or pick a college that has a lot of options incase you aren't sure. Go to the school for a tour to get a chance to talk with current students there. You need to hear on-hand experiences, but you shouldn't just listen to the student giving the tour, they are usually biased. If you get the chance, as around the campus to random students who aren't involved in admissions. Also give yourself a few options, don't just pick one school that you really want, be sure to find a couple that really fit your needs. Money is a huge issue in the economy today, it's becoming very hard for people to attend college, so give yourself options because one college may offer more financial aid than another. And look at the setting of where you want to be, urban or rural. As about class sizes, and campus activities to really find somewhere that suits you not only academically, but also personally.


I think that college is the most important decision one can make. It is the time where students grow the most I think. Taking a chance is important. Dont stay local because your scared of what it will be like to be on your own. Trust me, you learn quickly that it is extremely easy and fun living with thousands of other students your age and who are interested in the same career goals. I have met some of the most interesting people at college and i have also made friends I will have for life. It sounds corny and everyone says that but it is so true! Take chances, get involved, and have fun!


Classes are classes, the college experience really depends on the location of the school as much as the name of the school. A lot of what is remembered comes out of the free time spent at college. Thats where friends are made as well as many once in a lifetime experiences. Check out the surrounding area of the college and make sure its right for you.


I would definitly make a list of 10-15 schools that interest me. I would make alist to see what is best for me. education, sports, location, weather, and people you know in the area. there are many factors that can make a college sound good.


Go with your first gut feeling, use all resources possible and make sure it is within your comfort zone.


The location is crucial. Feeling comfortable on campus and in the surrounding context is very imporant. The city is not for eevryone, but some students prefer to venture off campus and explore the city rather than stay on campus. It matters a great deal to the comfortability of a college or university.


I believe that selection of the right college rests solely on how dedicated the student is to his studies. The most important thing about a college experience, in my opinion is to get each perspective of life it gives. As a senior looking back on my freshman year, it was overwhelming ; you didn't know what to focus on and how to manage your time. My core classes pertaining to my major started my first year and I believe that is the best thing that could have happened - I was thrown into college life and for the first time since high school, was able to make my own choices. Education is the most important thing when entering college; sure, there will be the tempting social life, but as you reach your senior year, most will realize that the social life will always be there, and focusing on education and the effort that you put into it is what makes you the person that you become once you step into the real world.


Choose a school that will allow you achieve the success that you in your career area that also has a campus that will incourage you to achieve those goals.