Wentworth Institute of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wentworth Institute of Technology know before they start?


I f your failing a class drop it or else the school will screw you over.


Students and parents should research about college early on in the students high school career. The student should also be responsible in high school so later down the road they can get into that college. When it comes time for the college student, enjoy yourself but just be responsible.


chose the school that is right for you not for anyone else.


Honestly, the only thing I can say is research, research, research. Honest;y I wish I would have done my research when I first entered college and because I didnt I wound up making a mistake which cost me two years that I currently have to make up. Please just do research on the schools your child wants to go to. Make sure it has the right major they wish to enter, make sure it has a good enviornment suited to fit your kids stimulation. Believe it or not, enviornment can take a 3.8 student down to a 2.9 if not careful. Make sure that not only does the school have the proper major but that it also has the right atmosphere for there major as well. For example I am a computer science student and I attend a Technology school, this is almost perfect for me. Please just do thorough reseach.


My suggestion would be to find a school that academically ahs what you want with a strong sense of communtiy and plenty of activities to engage in. I would also seriously consider the schools surroundings to make sure it also fits into your social expectations and has job avaliabilty for while your at school.


Explore all your options. Don't just choose a school based on one criteria. Weigh it out among different criteria, such as academics, social life, proffessors, surroundings, etc.


My advice would be to talk to people who have either graduated from the school they are looking into, or speak with students who are currently attending. Also, just because a certain school charges the most money it does not mean that they are providing a superior education. When I was applying for colleges one of the alternatives I had to the school which I'm attending now was Northeastern University. The point that I'm trying to get to is that Northeastern costs almost twice as much as my school, but the Architecture program at my school surpasses that of Northeastern.


If you don't know what to study in school start off with community college, or a cheap state school, then transfer when you figure it out. Lucky for me i knew what I wanted after high school, but alot of students in my program dropped out/ transfered because 1) they weren't ready for school 2) they didn't want to be there.