Wesleyan University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Wesleyan University!


I love that Wesleyan is so anti-heteronormative. I really do. And I've learned so much about the spectrum of sexualities and gender continuum. But as someone who falls on the heterosexual end of the continuum, Wesleyan "dating" scene can be frustrating. If you can find a straight man, he's usually not the type to take you on actual dates. If you're looking for traditional, I wouldn't come here.


While tries to portray its self as a liberal extremist progressive school. To some extent this is true. But, during my year here I found that the radical, daring, exciting political/ social involvement which Wes boasted in the past has died down. Now Wes seems to be filled with an apathetic student body. Most students are more interested in video games or NFL stats, than the war in Iraq or helping the poor. Also, there is continual conflict between Middletown residents and Wesleyan Students. It is not uncommon for fights to occur between the two.


I started a Homebrewing Club and got a bunch of money from the school. Some people will tell you that the administration is really lame (and they have a point - sometimes it feels like the new president, Michael Roth, is trying to take the weirdness out of Wesleyan), but the fact that I got money for this club is a strong argument in their favor. If you consider yourself a connoisseur of fine beer, Wesleyan is the place to be.


Come to Wes! We love everyone!


Although my experience at Wesleyan has not been stellar, at least it's helped me to really become someone that I'm proud of. They exposed me to everything I'm not, and have made me comfortable standing up for my own beliefs (although they tend to be contra-Wesleyan fueled). In retrospect, I wish I had gone to a larger school that offered a wider range of courses with a wider range of diversity.


Be careful of the political mindset at Wesleyan.


Although Wesleyan is the best liberal arts situation I can imagine, I still advocate that, unless you are getting SUBSTANTIAL financial aid, you should take the 160,000-170,000 and not go to college, or at least, not anytime soon. I took two of six years off from high school graduation to college graduation, and I learned exponentially more, spending exponentially less.


Come to Wes!


You should watch the movie PCU before coming...the first week at the tech can be a shock with most people wanting to transfer...but the feeling passes and wes becomes great

Wes Lady

Wes is AMAZING! If you're a kind, cool, smart person who likes fun, then Wes is the place for you.