Wesleyan University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Wesleyan University accurate?


I'd say that all these groups are probably better represented at Wesleyan than at most other schools, but there's definitely still a fratty-preppy contingent (although I think it's mostly confined to kids who do sports). It's absolutely true that Wesleyan is a very, very politically liberal environment.


Yes and no. Many of us are progressive, many of us are smelly, and many of us are gay - but none are all three. And the greatest myth about Wesleyan students is that they're politically active. Perhaps we are more than average college students, but the closest thing to a protest I've seen during my time there is when a hundred hooting students barricaded our president in his office for hours because the university decided to sell some radio bandwidth to NPR. Last year my band played a Katrina Relief gig, $2 entry fee, and only our girlfriends showed up. Come on, we're not that bad.


No. While there are parts of campus that are hippy-ish and hipster, there are tons of different types of people on campus. There are athletes, there are conservatives, there are people who dont do drugs. In fact Wesleyan is way less extreme than I expected it to be, but that may be just me since I am from San Francisco. But dont get me wrong. The hill is always wall-to-wall people on 4-20.


Absolutely! There are loads of different types of people here, thats what i love about it. Everyone is so friendly and good at something it's almost overwhelming. And yes, the weed is widespread. Can't go wrong there though right? There's plenty of drinking and frat parties as well--as much as you'd expect for a school this small at least.


Somewhat, there are many kids who are like this, but I have no problem finding people who are normal and chill.


Not even close


definitely not. the second stereotype is much more accurate but not necessarily always true.


There are many types of students at Wesleyan. I think we get the crazy hippie type from being associated with the other Wesleyan in Ohio. If you are interested in being challenged and want to be around talented students, Wesleyan is your school.


These stereotypes are true to a certain extent, but for every person who fits into any one stereotype, you'll find that there are five who don't. There are definitely students here who are representative of each of the aforementioned stereotypes, but this campus is hardly a group of cliches on legs.


There certainly are pretentious hipsters, hippies, and lots of liberalism. That doesn't mean everyone is like that and it's entirely possible to fit in perfectly without having to fit into those stereotypes.