Visit the campus of the school you're interested. Talk with current students and students that chose to transfer.
When choosing the right college for you, it's amazing the difference a campus visit can make. You can read all the college guides out there but it's hard to really know where you fit until you set foot on the campus and see how it feels, what the students are doing, and whether or not you can see yourself there. When you're visiting, make sure to step outside of the organized tour to talk with actual students and find out what they like and don't like about the school, because their experience can be a better litmus test of a campus atmosphere than the tour is. And, of course, figure out what your priorities are in a school--do you want big classrooms or small ones, do you want athletics to be a big part of your experience, and what sort of people do you typically get along with best? While focusing on the college experience is important, don't forget to think about your future too. Consider the cost of the education, and the employment/graduate school situation of most recent graduates. Good luck, and have fun with it!
The best advice I could give a student who is trying to decide on a college is to visit any schools he or she is interested in. Don't just take the word of books, friends and relatives, or even guidance counselors. No one can say what you will or won't like about a school until you see it for yourself. I recommend staying overnight if possible, to meet and interact with students. These people will be your peers, and are part of what it is to be in college. It's important to feel out the school for yourself.
To get the most out of college, I would say that step one is to try living in a Freshmen-only dorm in your first year. If you don't like it, you can talk to the administration in charge of housing and try to change it, but it's so great to meet a bunch of people who are in the same situation that you are. They all want to make friends and discover what college is about, just like you. The people you meet can help you with classes, and be your support network throughout the experience.
The way I knew that Wes was the place for me was that when I walked on campus, I was immediately struck with the feeling that this place could be home. I hadn't been on campus for more than 15 minutes, and I knew that it was a place I could happily spend 4 years of my life. I didn't get that feeling at the other places I visited. And I'm sure that I would have been fine going to the other schools that accepted me. But I seriously doubt that I would be as happy. So, really, after you've done all the research and made the pro/con lists, just go with your gut. Listen to it. It's smart.
And to make the most of college? Find people you like hanging out with. And if you don't like hanging out with them, ditch them and don't feel bad about it. And that goes for majors too. Because honestly, if you're doing something you enjoy doing, then you're doing college right. If it feels right, it probably is (not legal advice). And try new stuff too. College is for self-discovery.
Don't be swayed to choose a school just for it's name, but don't be scared away by low admissions rates either. Apply to a place you really love, and if the school is a good fit for you, there's always a chance of you getting in, no matter your grades or scores. Consider who you truly are and how a school would fit with your personality, and let yourself shine through in your application. In the end, it's not going to be where you went or what you majored in that counts, but the experiences you had and the connections you made with professors, friends, and teammates.
Finding the right college and being happy in college is one of the biggest challenges in a student and parent's life. However, always keep everything about this process in perspective, it will not be the end of the world if you do not get in to your first choice, I promise! Look at colleges that perhaps were not originally on your list, you may find that a college that was not on it might now be your first choice! Do not let your mind be influenced solely by prestige when looking at colleges, there are so many choices and types of schools, keep in mind that a school should fulfill you academically, socially, economically, etc., always keeping in mind the high amount of loans that you might have to pay after graduation! Stay overnight at a college you are applying to, this will give the student an insider view into the school. In college, explore activities outside of your comfort, try something you might never have done before. Make friends with different kinds of people, don't limit yourself! Work hard in school, and make time to socialize as well, this is truly a once in a lifetime experience!
Although finding the "perfect" college for you is also important, the greatest influence in making your college experience memorable is YOU. Yes, factors like school size, geographical placement, social life, housing accomodations, academic ranking, and political atmosphere are and will be important to your experience. But, keep in mind, when you've narrowed down your choices to the schools that meet your "criteria" any of those schools will be able to give you a positive college experience because in the end it will all come down to what YOU make of it. These criteria will be important in putting yourself in an environment in which you will start off feeling comfortable but it will not determine your entire experience. Don't get discouraged by not getting into your dream school because there are many other colleges with similar environments in which you will be able to thrive. Get on campus with an open-mind and a positive attitude and don't forget that all the other freshmen are in the exact same nervous position as you are. College will have a unbelievable influence on your life but remember, it's not the college that matters as much, it's YOU.
Colleges are so similar. Although an important decision figure out what is really important to you and go with your gut. Also think about location more than I did. You'll be there for four years.. making sure the surrounding area makes you happy. Try to just let yourself live and really BE at school Its only a few years and they're yours! Enjoy them!
To start off the student should be in charge of finding the proper school for him or her. Parents should really take a backseat and aid students in filling out paperwork such as financial aid only. Now the following goes to the student: don't pick a school that your parents want you to go to. Don't fall into the pressure or else you could end up at a place that is not a good fit for you. Do extensive research to find your place. Find people that have recently gone to the school, it should not be that difficult since you could just use facebook. Ask these people about their experiences and do not be afraid to ask the hard questions.
If you do not know what you want to do go to a liberal arts college! It is not a waste of time like some people say. It will usually be a safe place for you to discover who you are and what you want to do in this world.
Finally do not be afraid to go far from home.
Check out classes, look at the dorms, live at the school for a while to get a general feel of the school atmosphere. And remember that people will be more friendly than usually in the beginning as everyone is trying to get to know each other.