West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about West Chester University of Pennsylvania? Why?


The worst thing about West Chester University of Pa is the fact that it was a rather large campus. Due to it's large size and continued growth, some classes during my pre-requisite studies, were ineffective. I felt as though I wasn't fully engaged in certain classes due to the large size.


It is severely overpopulated. This overpopulation results in limited class offerings because there are not enough professors for the students that are enrolled and the classes that are needed to accomodate the students. There is not enough housing for the students that attend either. Which is evident in the fact that they will only guarauntee housing to freshman students and after freshman year, you are no longer guaraunteed housing and you must fight to get a place to live on or off campus. And there is not nearly enough parking to accomodate the traffic that the university draws.


West Chester University is very centered on involvement so if a student who is not willing to jump in and get involved attends WCU they might have a hard time adjusting. I was very involved and made a lot of friends but my entire college experience was based off of my on-campus involvement and would not have been as fruitful without it.


I consider the size of the classes the worst thing about WCU because it is hard to recieve one on one attention with the professors without going to their office hours and their office hours are very limited.


Oddly enough, there really isn't anything yet that I do not like about my school.


The administration: bursar/financial aid office


I consider parking on campus to be the worst part. It is always hard to find a parking spot, unless you have a really early class.


I did not like how the social aspect of the college was based mostly around fraternities and sororities. They were not my thing.


The worst thing about West Chester University is the parking. I am a commuter student and, I often have to arrive at the campus a half an hour to an hour before my first class to be able to find a parking spot. I do not believe that there are enough parking lots available for the students, staff, and faculty. However, the parking permit is inexpensive.


The food was terrible when I attended WCU. Also, the condition of the dorms were terrible as well. Although, my senior year they began reconstruction of all new dorms, which I have heard are WONDERFUL. I wish I could have been there to live in them.