The only thing I have against WCU is the food services. I love it here and wish I could never leave, WCU is there perfect place for me. From the classes to the environment everything is almost too good to be true. However, there are some people in the dinning service that I can't stand. The food is o.k. but the services aren't that great and the food is way overprices.
West Chester is like the thirteenth grade. It is not like a real university where you have to do real schoolwork or work hard.
Something that i consider to be the worst thing about West Chester University is the number of students in the classes. You dont get as much one on one time with your professor as you would like because of the number of other students in the class who also need as much help as you do.
I love West Chester University. However, if I were to find a flaw in the school, I would say that the academic buildings are a bit outdated. The science buildings are more modern, but some of the halls, such as Main Hall, are very old. I also do not like the tall building in the middle of the campus that seems to resemble a power plant.
The worst thing about West Chester University is how many opportunities there are to hang out with friends and party. I think that West Chester is a great school and you can learn so much from your classes, yet the temptation to procrastinate and go out with friends in very prevalent. The best skill I received from college is time management. You need to prioritize your work and get it done, before going out Friday night.
The financial aide office is not as helpful and there is not alot of diveristy.
The worst thing about my school is the cost of everything on campus. Food is way to expensive, as well as clothing and school books. This is not good for full time college students because the majority of full time students (especially undergrad) do not work.
The worst thing about West Chester is how there seems to always be parties going on, and many students attend these parties, and if you don't party sometimes it's hard to fit in and make friends. As long as you get involved with activities, the gym or clubs students shouldn't get pulled into this deviant behavior. I mean, afterall, partying does occur on every college campus, but staying away from those activities are best. Choose your friends wisely and make friends right away, or you may feel lonely and the urge to leave.
In all honestly I believe the worst part about West Chester University is the food. Not to say that they do not have a lot of options to choose from, or that the food is not fresh because it is. I have come to learn that I am a very picky eater. I am used to homemade food, dinner tasting or smelling a certain way, being cooked at a specific temperature or with my mom?s special ingredient. What can I expect though, it is college food and it?s not horrible so I cannot complain too much.
Frequently, the school appears to not care about commuter students. When weather gets bad, classes are still on, even if the roads would be difficult to drive on. Parking is difficult and many activities are scheduled later at night, when commuters are already home.