This school is fit for almost anyone. People who enjoy small towns and communities should definitely attend this school. West Chester is a beautiful town, located right off campus. There are always opportunities to go out and do whatever you want; everything is located a few blocks away. Everyone here is friendly and cheerful, the professors honestly care about your education, and the food isn't even that bad.
I think that any type of person could and should attend this school. West chester is full of great people, professors and students alike. As a student it is not hard to make friends, everyone is very open and looking to make new friends all the time. The school is in a great location and it has a very cozy feeling towards it.
This school is mostly known for people who wish to study a music major. People who wish to succeed and not get lost among the 13,000 students should attend. Even though it is like a mini Penn State, your name is not forgotten.
West Chester University is an academically focused school, particularly in the areas of education and the humanities. Serious students in either areas should consider enrollment. The campus is both open and friendly, perfect for those who wish to be involved on campus or in the community. There are numerous opportunities for involvement both on and off campus, and one residence hall has an office where students may volunteer in both West Chester and Philadelphia.
A person with a good balance between having ambitiont to achieve there goals but also wanting to have a social life outside of school and hanging out with friends. Yeah this school can be challenging but it's not impossible to prioritze your social life and your education.
The kind of person that should attend West Chester University should not go to parties or do anything that could get them into trouble. Instead, they should be focused, get involved in clubs/programs, and they should spend time with positive people. I suggest that they should be organized and stay on top of their school work because each semester moves very quickly. Also, they should utilize the library and the human resource center, where they will be able to meet with tutors for extra help. They should be dedicated and willing to learn.
This university is extremely diverse. There are activities for athletic people, as well as musical people. There are over one hundred clubs and greek life groups to be a part of. The academics cover a ride range of careers, also. A person who is open minded and willing to try new things would definitely find himself at home at West Chester University. On this campus, there is something for everyone. However, he or she has to be willing to search for their niche.
Someone looking to explore different career paths or someone looking to study music.
West Chester University has something to offer for many different types of people therefore this school can be the right choice for anyone. Diversity is a key component at this school. People that are open to meeting different people and understanding the cultures of others should attend this school. Attending this school requires you to be independent and do a good amount of work on your own, therefore you need motivation. Individuals that have drive and motivation should attend this school because that will help them become as successful as possible. West Chester University has opportunities for almost everyone.
Someone who likes to party and who still studies hard. Ideally, someone involved in frats, sororities, and who likes to make superficial friends.