This school is meant for anyone that is determined to work hard and better their education. It is open to any ethnic background and the suburban town offers a lot of things for students to do. Any individual who is looking for a school that they can learn to love as their home and grow to meet new people and learn new things about themselves and their major will love West Chester University.
I think West Chester university is an excellent choice for any person to attend. It is the perfect size, not to big and, not to small. There is a fair amount of diversity, and anyone who attends will certainly find a group they feel they belong to.
If you want to pay a reasonable state school tuition, and attend school in a nice town where there are off-campus attractions available very easily, then West Chester is a great choice for you. If you are seeking intense academic stimulation, and are hoping to be taken to a higher level of learning in your college career, then you might find that you are disappointed by what West Chester has to offer academically.
I think the kind of person that should attend my school is someone who is willing to come out of their shell and accept a very diverse campus. I feel that they should be hardworking and determined to get through college.
Anyone! It is a great school for a diverse range of people! Age, ethnicity, sexuality...the community is very caring and fun!
If you have a desire to learn, a willingness to succed, and you want to find the true "you" come to West Chester University. If you prove to your teacher/professor that you want to learn they will give you everything they have to make sure you become the best. West Chester is a fine institution of higher education but if your the kind of person who wants to party, skip class, and hang around you might want to go somewhere else.
West Chester University (WCU) is a public comprehensive university that offers a wealth of academic programs. It is a mid-sized school with approximately 10,000 - 12,000 students. The university has begun a major overhall of many campus buildings in recent years including, the construction of new dormitories, breaking ground on a new student rec center, a brand new school of music including a state-of-the art perfomnance hall, and future plans for a new school of business for the University's AASCB accredited business program. The university is undergoing many exciting changes.
A person who likes to party and network.
Someone that wants to live in a suburban area with a lot of activities and evemts. West Chester offers the opportunity for people to explore the town and partake in a lot of community events. There is a lot of diversity, which makes it easy for almost any student to fit in easily.
Anyone and everyone who enjoys a full campus. West Chester is an equal-opportunity campus, and they make sure that no one discriminates or belittles others, regardless of their background. If you enjoy walking and being outside, that's a plus, too, since walking to and from the buildings is required!