West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about West Chester University of Pennsylvania?


I don't get the financial aid I think my family deserves. My family is putting three people through school and yet I have recieved no scholarships frpm West Chester University.


The most frustating thing about my school is that certain classes for my major is only offered in the spring or fall and in order to get into those classes I have to take prerequistes that are sometimes full.


I can't think of anything.


The most frusterating thing about West Chester is that not many students stick around on the weekends. The campus is often like a ghost town, unless there is a school event, like Homecoming.


Unhelpful faculty (esp. Financial Aid), limited parking, social-party atmosphere limits ability to fully focus on learning, individuality is looked down upon: assimilation = graduation.


The most frustrating thing about school is sometimes the workload. I am a double major, so I am aware that I will have more work than the others but in order to be certified in just one degree, some of the degrees require more work than others.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of world knowledge that I find in many of my peers. In the classroom there have been many instances in which the majority of the students have no knowledge of wordly events such as politics, the environment, even the upcoming presidential election. This often creates limited discussion and deliberation of such topics which are important in our society today. As it has been said many times before, "We are the future" and I think it is important for students to be aware of their role in the future.