Western Governors University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I can do it all on my own time and at my own pace.


The best thing about Western Governors is that I have the freedom to set my own schedule; I can work at my own pace, and by doing so, I can accelerate my courses.


I consider the best thing about Western Governors University to be their self paced yet structured approach to learning . I work towards my bachelors degree on my own schedule and have a student mentor to assist me along the way.


The best thing about my school is that it is all done online. Attending an online Universtity allows you the freedom to do your work on your own time. Yes you must set aside a strict schedule and stick to it, but it allows you the ability to continue with everything else you have going on in your life. I am a mother of three, so this program allows me to better my career for us all and not miss any time with them.


The ability to work at your own pace


Western Governor’s University. provides individuals with prior knowledge in their chosen degree field to use that acquired knowledge by offering assessment tests. These assessment tests allow one to prove they have the knowledge. Passing these test is equal to taking an entire semester and passing a course..


I can work at my own speed and at a time that's convenient for me and I have a mentor that keeps me on track to meet my goals. Also,there are so many different resources to get information from.


The best thing about Western Governors University is that it's tailor made for working adults. I think that's a blessing because the academia is built for people who have lives outside of school but want more out of their life. Also, it is an online school so no commuting is involved,which again makes it easier for those who have families and responsibilities at home. It also offers a comprehensive IT Program.


Western Governors University (WGU)is not like a typical University. You have terms each lasting 6 months and you take as many classes as you can finish in that time. If you finish all your classes you can add another class provided you have enough time to finish it in your term. This means you work at your own pace. You can finish your class work when ever you have time. This kind of class structure is great for a stay at home mom.


At Western Goverors University students have the ability to work at their own pace as long as they meet a minimum number of semester hours each semester. When a student has fulfilled that minimum he or she can work ahead in their program for free. Tuition is a flat rate fee each semester with no additional charge for additional course work. This is also an accredited online university with an outstanding reputation!