The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Western Governors University is %. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
One major and valuable thing I got out of my college experience is interaction with my course mates, academic professors and mentors. Even though my school is distance learning based, the interaction with fellow school mates both academically and socially has been greatly impressive. New ideas discussed, great sense of humors diplayed among ourselves, and group school works interaction are few among the enjoyment I have enjoyed with my school mates. Another experience enjoyed revolves around sound relationship with my academic professors and mentors. The first-class assistance , and mentoring of great quality offered are highly enjoyable and commendable. In addition to their academic assistance, they have been impressive on the aspect of social interaction too. Most of times, I could not believe this is not a distance learning based college.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I have not been admitted yet.
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What's unique about your campus?
I like that tuition is a flat fee and that I can take as many classes as I want during a term (minimum of 9 credits).
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I don't think of anything I didn't know before starting.
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Describe the students at your school.
Western Govenors University is an online college; therefore, I do not have the advantage of knowing any of my classmates.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
WGU offers a unique learning experience through it's online courses of study, resourses and mentors. Students must demonstrate their competency in any given area of study through special performance tasks as well as proctored assessments.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
The kind of person that should not attend this school is someone who needs to be coddled or who needs a lot of time with instructors. A person with poor time-management or lack of discipline should also not attend this school.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A dedicated person must show great self discipline. A person without the combination of these two things will have a difficult time proving to others and themselves that their best effort was put forth in the pursuit of a higher education.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
My school is self paced to what you need and goes how ever you want it to be.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
WGU is the single greatest educational opportunity for intelligent, self starting, motivated students. Its flat tuition rate and the ability to add more coursework midterm at no additional charge, gives students who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to focus on their education the most cost effective degree program available bar none. Your post education dream cannot begin until you finish your degree so do not waste your time and resources on distractions. Be vigilante in your time management and take the next step to your greatness.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Western Governor's University is a distance learning university founded by nineteen governors from the Western United States. The opportunity for me to continue my education would be non-existant where it not for WGU. I get to live at home with my family and still work while attending school. My advise to prospective students is to never give up on their dreams. If there is a will, WGU is the way. If it were not for WGU, my education would have ended with an assosiates degree, but because WGU offers on-line learning I'm still pursuing my dream.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
WGU offers a way to truly gain an education, by educating yourself. If you want to learn, WGU gives you what you need to actually get a job upon graduation, instead of being left with a usuless 4 year degree in your hands that tells employers nothing about what you can do. In a few words: Freedom. Flexibility. Actually applicable to life. Need I say more?
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Unfortunately, none available
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I attend Western Governor University. This is an online University. At the age of 55, and being one who didn't grow up with the Internet, I was a bit worried about tackling this type of education. I am so happy I chose WGU! The Mentors at WGU are all Doctorates or above! I am so proud of my school. I love the fact I can work 24/7. Although the Mentors aren't always online, they are always there for us. By this I mean there are podcasts, videos, websites, resources out the front door that provide assistance at any point of time.
I am surprised many people haven't heard of this University. I have referred multiple potential students here and so far, I am excited to say 3 made the choices to move forward and become students!
Let me tell you a story of how this University works with the students. There was a class that I had to take. I will tell you, I have never dealt with any Math above the level of Algebra I, but I know I can learn anything. Well, this class gave me so many issues...nightmares, tears, fears I would never pass...and not once did my Mentors let me down. They were with me all the way. From encouragement to assistance, they made certain I passed this course.
The scoring system is different at WGU than I was used to. In this course, I had to make 63 to pass. After studying, Mentoring, and attending online class, I made a 76! I must say I am proud of the fact I made this score! It would have been an A+ had I been earning a letter grade.
The faculty respond to my needs and wants in the most efficient manners! I have an appointment today just to review for my Assessment with a Mentor. I know I will leave this meeting with more than enough confidence to pass this course.
I recommend Western Governor University to anyone who feels the online mode of learning is for them.
The last fact I want to point out is the reasonable tuition. There is one set fee and it covers all my costs. I don't have to buy textbooks, although that option is open to me. I look so forward to graduation and displaying oh, so proudly, that diploma from Western Governor University.
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What are the academics like at your school?
I am seeking my degree in Special Education (K-12) while attending Western Governor University. I was so concerned I would be on my own. That has been a baseless fear, thank goodness. I have so many classmates. We have our own forum and we use this to help each other over the hurdles.
Although we each seek to attain our best scores, we are all there for each other. We applaud the successes for our student body; we cry with each other over the hard times; and, we become friends to the end of our journeys and beyond.
Our Mentors, as our Professors are termed, are readily available. We attend online classes; we set individual appointments for those really tough times; and, we have the best cheerleaders in the World!
My favorite class has been my History class, thus far. I love the subjects of Science, Math and History. I am blessed in the fact my schedule works within these subjects a lot. Even with the love I hold for this subjects, I have times I need help. My Mentors are there for me! My friends and classmates are there, also. I have called some of them; I have attended cohort classes with them; and I have even done projects with some of them.
I feared I was in this alone, but that has been proven false. I am the member of a great University and I urge anyone to come join me! Western Governor University is absolutely the best online University!
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Online students do their classwork in their pajamas
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
It's hard to tell what "stereotype" a student at WGU would fall under. So many of the students are not physically on campus, but are enrolled in online, distance-learning programs. This is a school for people that want to return to school while working or want to go at their own pace, since the college allows for acceleration.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
There are no sports affiliated with the school since it is an online college.
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Describe the dorms.
The dorms are my bedroom and kitchen.
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Describe the best and worst parts of the social scene on campus.
The best part of the social scene is that you can be as social or anti-social as you desire. The worst part is that there isn't a lot of activity socially unless you create it yourself
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