I would tell any future college student to go with their gut and not be too swayed by what their friends are doing. College changes you and you come out a different person than you were going in. Parents need to realize that their kid is growing up but they still need guidance and support sometimes. Also, to future students, the two easiest and most common sense things to do in college are often the ones that are neglected the most : go to class and study for tests. Obvious but so easy to not do. It took me 3 years to figure that out, and I learned the hard way. But...I learned....
Find a place that works for you, don't be afraid to ask questions, and for goodness' sake, remember that money does matter. As horrible as it sounds, money is the thing that you may end up having to worry about most. If the cost between a state school and a smaller school (or a school with a lesser reputation) are substantial, but the education seems equitable, don't shell out the dough for a school's name. In times of economic hardship, it's not the reputation that's going to get the job, it is you, and you alone. --And it is the school that gives you those skills.
Be yourself and your college will find you the right place for you.
Start early, junior year if possible, the more choices the better. Don't neccessarily look for a college with a specific major in mind, look around for one that has a diverse campus and various programs that could be potential interests. Don't be afraid of the new and different, if the fear takes hold then a lot of opportunities will be passed by. Don't be afraid to be an individual and break away from the "normal." Finally, talk to people, the more people that you meet the more friends or potential friends you'll have and the more opportunities that will arise.
Do NOT follow your friends, by going to different schools you grow as an individual, AND have great campuses to visit!
Starting at a community college is a great option if available, particularly if unsure of a major right away. It is cheaper, and an easier transition into adulthood.
Dont just pick a school based on where your friends are going. Your going to school to get an education and graduate, if your friends are true they will always be there. Also make sure you use your time wisely, make time to have fun as well as do school work, your school work should be done before you go out. Pick a school that best goes with your major, dont just pick it based on its popularity.
If you don't know what you want to study at a 4 year university, go to a community college first to discover what you may like.
Let your children find out for themselves what they like or dislike about school, but make sure that they are financially responsible for themselves in the process.
Make sure you know what career field you'd like to go into before you jump into a university. They can get expensive and a degree is a degree no matter where you attended your first two years of college. Community College is a great way to experience the many fields available in this day and age and even get your prerequisites out of the way. Make sure to talk to people and be social, and live in the dorms at least one semester or year. You will meet so many people in the dorms and likely you might even move out with them the next year.