You can't pick a college just because you have a bunch of friends going there. Chosing a college has to come from the heart. If you pick a school for the wrong reason like your boyfriends going there or your best friend is your more likely not going to like the school. If you follow your heart and chose whats best for you they will understand. Things change, people change but you should always stay true to yourself and by letting someone dictat you choice doesn't help you.
I would tell the parents to let the kids make the choice for which college is best. As for the students, visit the universities you have in mind. Once you see the campus, you should feel at home. It would have the feeling like you belong there. I know thats how I felt when I stepped foot on the university that I attend.
Do what feels right. Just because you were sure when you enrolled you wanted to major in something, doesn't mean you're stuck with it. The point of the experience is to find what you want to do with your life, and maybe your first choice wasn't a good fit, or you enjoy something else more. It's never too late to change. I'm going into my 4th year, and I just changed my major a week ago. If you don't like it now, you won't like it when it's your job.
Discover yourself. Try new things. Meet new people. Separate yourself from the people in your life that bring you down. Be smart with your decisions. Have fun, but remember why you're there.
Parents: Chill out. College has changed since you were there. Talk to your student about your worries, but you have to have faith that they will make the right decisions when the time comes. Don't tell them what they can and can't do, because college is all about having the chance to do things for yourself.
To choose the right college for yourself you need to know what type of learning environment is best for you. Are you more successful in smaller class sizes? Do you have difficulty focusing if there are too many activities available to you? You also need to be aware of your priorities. Which is more important, having many activities to choose from or coming out of school with less debt? Chances are that schools in which cost less will offer less. After you have figured out what you want then it is time to find the college in which offers the things you need.
To gain the most out of your college experience you need to willing to put yourself out there. You should be prepared to go to school and try new things and keep an open mind. To meet people and make new friends you should be willing to try different things. I do not mean by trying drugs and drinking. What I mean is by trying new sports, volunteer activities, social groups, etc.
I will have to say dont choose a college based how "how cool the parties are". Base it on your career and how good of classes they have for your degree that you are seeking.
Go with what best fits you. Simple as that. Find what makes you comfortable and stick with it. Never feel that you have to turn into a certain personality. There are plenty of options that are already there for you and more people that have similar interests than one can imagine.
Advice I would have for the parent is to allow your child to actually visit the college and let them choose which college they would best adapt and would fulfil their learning needs. Advice I would give the student is to always stand up for what you believe in, there are going to be obstacles that you will have to overcome but there is always someone to turn to. Another thing I would like to say is its always oklay to call home, your parents probably miss you as much as you miss them.
Talk to as many current students and faculty at the university as possible.
I believe that anyone with an open mind can fit into any college the so choose. Base the decision on what you like about the school. Take a tour, weight the advantages and disadvantages of each school. As long as you have an open mind, you will succeed anywhere you go.
The key to college is to get involved in something. Don't just go to class, go to meals, and sit in your dorm room the rest of the time. College will be miserable if you do not get involved in something extra-cirricular that forces you to meet people and share a common goal or interest with a group. For example, I am in marching band. You have to be involved somewhere to have a chance at a positive college experience.