Westminster College-New Wilmington Top Questions

Describe how Westminster College-New Wilmington looks to someone who's never seen it.


Westminster College is like a small Ivy League school.


Westminster is a warm and welcoming school "where everyone knows your name."


Westminster is a place that feels like home; you never want to leave because everyone is so helpful and friendly that you immediately feel comfortable with your decision to attend this school.


Westminster College is a small college with big college opportunities where the faculties recognize and know their students and provide them experiences, challenges, and lessons hardly found anywhere else.


Westminster is a challenging school, where I know I can receive the direction I need from my peers and professors so I can become the best person I can be and achieve my goals.


A small libral arts college with the amish near but with many different things to do such as greek life, sports, and extracurricuar activities.


Westminster College was the best pick for college; it is so easy and rewarding to get involved, the faculty/staff are excellent, the campus is beautiful, and the entire community is like one big family.


Westminster has a lot going for it and the pros outweigh the cons.