There are so many things I wish I could go back in time and tell my 18 year old, recently graduated self. Being almost 10 years older now, I have had so many life experiences that have made me into a stronger, wiser, more grounded individual. If I had to choose anything I could say to that unsure, curious but hesitant 18 year old me it would be this: YOU CAN. I would want myself to know that I can accomplish any goal I put my mind to. To know that there is only one thing holding me back from turning any dream or vision into reality: myself.
Make friends, I mean it. Yes it's absolutely terrifying. Your first day at college will be the scariest and the best day of your life. There will be so many strangers that have the potential to become your friends so don't miss out on the opportunity. Come out of your shell and say hi to everyone you meet. It's not easy, that's for sure. But it's worth it.
After spending a semester abroad in Sweden, the only advice I can think of to give my younger self is that I should have arranged to study abroad in two different countries for two different semesters. Now that I'm a senior, I no longer have the time to study abroad, but I really want to study abroad for a semester in Asia, and I think that going somewhere outside of the United States/Western Europe would have been good for me.
Honestly, though, I'm pretty happy with the decisions I've made until this point. Whittier was the only school I could afford (after accounting for scholarships, Whittier was even cheaper than public school), and I got really involved in the Quaker Campus newspaper on campus while also writing two more books (I wrote my first in high school). Still, study abroad was the best experience I've ever had, and I wish I could have planned to study abroad for two semesters when I arrived. Oh, and I would also have my younger self take more Gender Studies courses since I've learned more from those classes than any others.
I would focus on getting high grades as possible so that way i could get scholarships to help me with school. I would study harder than what i did. I would try to do my best i could
If I were to have a conversation with my 17-year old, senior in high school self about the transition to college life, it would be short and concise, brief and to the point. I would say to think long-term. Prepare for tomorrow by acting today because in the years to come: she won’t be there, ball won’t be there, and the opportunities you once have now won’t be there anymore. What will be there are the consequences of failing to act on those opportunities and the decisions you make as a senior. Realize that the goals you have in place aren’t achievable with the effort currently being put forth. Dreams don’t come true from luck and nobody is going to hand it to you but you. To successfully make that transition you need to refocus and reprioritize the things in your life now to set yourself up for success later.
Going back in time and talking to myself as a senior i wouldnt change anything, I believe i made great choices and stayed infromed with everything especially deadlines. I would mostly go back and prepare myself with financial case, and also stability. I would give my self the advice of going far and meeting new people, getting a new experience and traveling the world. I would talk to myself and consider not staying local. Gaining new friends, and adapting to a new environement is always a great choice and i would go back and make the choice of going far.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, first off, I would pat myself on the back for staying in school. Second, I would probably tell myself to stay focused. College life is very different from regular public schools and the workload is a lot more. It can be extremely stressful and competetive when applying for scholarships or just trying to get an A. I would tell myself to learn to balance my schedule because a college student needs a good amount of time to do homework and work on projects, but it is also important to have a life while in college because the stress can consume you if you do not take care of yourself. Ultimately, I would tell myself to keep calm and prioritize.
Do your best in all of your classes. You don't have time for slacking off. Start applying for college early. Do your research. Apply for scholarships as soon as possible to help pay for college. Don't wait until eight years later and start school. It's nothing wrong with going to college late but, you will succeed faster if you go to college right away. Major in something that you enjoy doing. Don't let your peers influence you to go for the highest paying degrees. You will end up in college or maybe in debt paying for what you really want. College is college. Leave the high school mantality in high school. It will be up to you to come to classs, study, and to do your own work. The professors aren't going to give you a grade. You will have to earn the grade. Surround youself around positive individuals. Take advantage of all of the FREE resources. They have tutoring for math, reading, writing, computers, tests, etc. If you get off track with the partying life, hurry up and get back on track. Your can be successful. Your success depends on you April Diane Williams.
Deat 18 year old Shavontae,
Enjoy every second that is given to you and never forget to have fun. Play hard, but work harder. Take every opporunity that is right infront of your face or two inches to the left of you. Apply to 100,000 scholarships to increase your chances of at least winning one and minimizing the possibilty of worrying about money. Know that things are going to change but accept them; remember " So it goes". Read Frankenstien, Slaugtherhouse- Five, and the Alchemist again before going to college. Take your health seriously, we are only given one body. Eat healthier, run and walk more, and never stop playing basketball no matter how bad your knees are. Smile more, straigthen your back, and keep your head up. Last but not least, this is YOUR LIFE so live.
I would tell myself that it is ok to be sad, but that putting myself out there and doing social activities will help a lot. You will make it through and it will get better. Get help when you need it, from friends, faculty, or staff. Be social it will make the next four years amazing!