The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Whittier College is 69%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Do your best in all of your classes. You don't have time for slacking off. Start applying for college early. Do your research. Apply for scholarships as soon as possible to help pay for college. Don't wait until eight years later and start school. It's nothing wrong with going to college late but, you will succeed faster if you go to college right away. Major in something that you enjoy doing. Don't let your peers influence you to go for the highest paying degrees. You will end up in college or maybe in debt paying for what you really want. College is college. Leave the high school mantality in high school. It will be up to you to come to classs, study, and to do your own work. The professors aren't going to give you a grade. You will have to earn the grade. Surround youself around positive individuals. Take advantage of all of the FREE resources. They have tutoring for math, reading, writing, computers, tests, etc. If you get off track with the partying life, hurry up and get back on track. Your can be successful. Your success depends on you April Diane Williams.
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Describe the students at your school.
Driven yet naive.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
A person that does not want to go to a small college - where everyone knows each other and the professors, and a college that is close to the city.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Whittier College is an extremely diverse, academically challenging school with a dedicated and caring faculty and amazing students.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Anyone who wants to learn about a broad range of subjects and get the time and attention they want from their professors in order to succeed.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Its small but is very close to a big cosmopolitan city.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing at my school is that the dorms do not have air conditioning.
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What's unique about your campus?
The sense of community. Students are more than willing to help other students out and are curious about new students. Friendships are not hard to come by at Whittier.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
I don't think my school is necessarily known for anything; but its very beautiful, built on a nature reserve I think. The dorm I lived in was very nice too, had a great view of LA(Los Angeles). Maybe diversity now that I think about it; there are a lot of different ethnicities and activities for everyone to participate in.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
Whittier is a great, small liberal arts college that has involved teachers, small classes and a diverse student body. Whittier is close enough to the mountains to go snowboarding after class or surfing at the beach, with enough time to make it back to your dorm for a good night's sleep to get ready for classes the next day.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frsutrating about my school is that everything is spread out around the campus so in order to get from one class to another you have to walk through the whole campus. Though overall i could honestly say that it is the best school which is why I chose to attend it.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known that most students have cars, and that many go away on the weekends. That's not to say that everyone needs a car, or that weekends are dull and lifeless. However, because the surrounding community is small and public transportation in Los Angeles is not known for its efficiency, having a car makes trips to the grocery store a little easier and creates more opportunities for the weekends. The school usually has somethign to do every weekend, but it requires a little more creativity in order to find something to do some days.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The best thing about Whittier is tied between the professors and the size, which I guess are strongly related to each other. The teachers are high caliber and brilliant, and for the most part, very engaging in and outside of the classroom. I've had classes where we have discussions outside on a nice day, very small seminar courses where it's just 10 students at a long table- so there is a lot of variety in teaching styles and classroom settings. The small classes were perfect for me; they helped me become more confident and outspoken. They also pushed me to keep up academically (it's hard to come to a small class without reading).
People from Southern California have heard of Whittier as a private liberal arts college, but sometimes, people who aren't local think it's a community college. I think that the college is overshadowed by all the other bigger name colleges nearby, i.e. USC, Occidental, not to mention UCLA. But the name is getting more recognizable.
The surrounding area of Whittier isn't a college town at all. There are a lot of great restaurants that are decently priced (Golden Triangle! Phlight!), but clubs are practically nonexistent. Whittier is a quirky version of a small New England town, with little shops. LA is "nearby," as in 45 min away. But I've known people who live in east LA/echo park/DT LA, and commuted to Whittier, so it's not too bad, especially after rush hour. And it definitely helps to have a car or a friend with a car!
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Richard Nixon went to Whittier College for his undergraduate education, so people think that this school is conservative.
Whittier was also created by Quakers, so perhaps the stereotype is that it is a Quaker school and has a religious affiliation.
Also, our mascot is the Poet, which makes people think that our sports teams aren't that great.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The guest speakers are wonderful! I wish I had had the time to see more of them. I don't think I was ever disappointed.
I met some of my closest friends during our freshman orientation week, and we went on fieldtrips together. Also, I met friends in smaller classes, and also during work-study jobs.
There are a lot of nearby house parties, and also school-sponsored parties. And if that gets old, there's always LA or Orange County nearby...
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What are the academics like at your school?
Professors definitely recognize you and know your name, but that also depends a lot on class participation and if you go into their office hours. Office hours are great; I've had professors look over my papers that started out as B-papers, and with their corrections and suggestions, I raised them to A's, just by talking to them during office hours. Also, there is FREE tutoring for pretty much every subject. I know, because I used to tutor at Whittier. These tutors are your peers, but are trained to help with your writing, etc.
Whittier students often have intellectual discussions after class or after visiting lectures. There's a lot to discuss! I think student competition varies from class to class. If there is, however, it's not cutt-throat or antagonistic. It's healthy debate and in general just demanding the best from yourself. A lot of professors are very approachable; I've had lunch with professors outside of class. They are always around! It is NOT like a commuter college, where teachers just come and go.
The academic requirements aim to give you a great well-rounded liberal arts foundation. I had to take a writing intensive course, religion, ethics, art, science in context, etc. The aim of any liberal arts school is learning and becoming a well-rounded, informed person. From there, it is up to you how you want to create a career or job for yourself. The career center is very helpful, but you have to seek out internships and make the appointment yourself. No one is going to hold your hand in doing that, so it does require some self-discipline and motivation on your own.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Whittier is definitely not a conservative school. The professors are very progressive and forward thinking, especially in the humanities and art departments.
There is NO religious affiliation with Quakers anymore. I remember there being a seminar course that students could choose to take about Quaker philosophy, but it wasn't mandatory and the school is secular.
I personally love our mascot, the Poet, based on the famous poet John Greenleaf Whittier. There isn't as much of an emphasis on sports at Whittier, but our mascot illustrated that the "pen is mightier than the sword."
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