As a member of the Whitworth community, each day spent on campus has not only added to my perception of who Whitworth is and what it is all about, but has also heightened my understanding of what it means to be in college and to have the world at your finger tips. Being here continually begs the question ?what do you care about?? and then challenges one to be proactive about those passions. It further builds a networking community because it connects students to groups of people that care about similar ideas. Together, in fellowship, these groups can flourish and do big things in the world. I have learned that what I do does not define who I am, but rather who I am dictates what I do. Because of this, one of my goals is to be more intentional in how I spend my time and where I pour out my effort. Being at college has allowed me to discern where my heart lies, and it is my hope to filter my desicions through this knowedge. My time here has helped me discover who I am, and I value you this experience more than anything.
I have gotten a lot of discipline out of my college experience so far. I realized I have to be disciplined in every aspct of my life. I have to be disciplined to study, read, and do my assignments. I have also learned to manage my time better. Being able to seperate time with work, school, and social activities is very important and is essential to having success. College has also helped me to mature. You are considered an adult and your professors, counselors, and peers treat you that way. You are responsible for making it to class, contacting the professor for extra help, reading the required text, and much more.
During my life as a college student at Dekalb Technical College, there were many bumps along this road to success. However; these did not stop me, nor hinder my plans for the future. I started off a bit slow going to school part time, working part time. Above all there was a lot to be learnt in technical school. No matter how much is thrown at you, keep one foot ahead of the other, and keep your goals within grasp. Learning that I might not know everything dawned upon me after I failed that class the second time. I was overconfident with my thinking and because of it threw away the money that came from me to pay for that course. As a result; school means a lot more to me, while bringing value for my determination to stay in school. Likewise, class is what I live for, it gives me reason to believe one day I shall be a better, more defined person than I could ever imagine. College is a gateway for many young or old individuals to sacrifice a few years of studying, in exchange for a lifetime of achievement and purpose.
I have experienced college for about one month. I fully regret leaving school or shall I say withdrawling from classes until my financial situation was settled, but i learned a great deal from going to college. Some of the things i learned that has a lot of meaning is that college is no joke and it is reality life is college you do as much as you can to stay on top and be successful. I also learned that if you make friends in college later on in the future you will have a lot of people of shall i say a lot of resources to use later in life. Say for instance i wanted to start a company i would need a web page i would have a friend that can do that for me. its also been valuable to me because i learned to survive on little cash and spend money on the nesscessities.
I have learned that education is not only from the mind. It is an education of both the mind and heart, which happens to be the school motto. Whitworth encourages their students to take part in community service and learn from both the classroom and the real world. They want you to major in something you are passionate in. I have learned that our career should be something that we love doing, something that we care a lot about. The education at Whitworth has been valuable, because the professors have put effort into their classes, getting to know each student. They make sure that they are available to the students and go out of their way to help individual students. Having visited other schools and attended their large classes, I am so thankful for this atribute of Whitworth University. I am able to learn far more than I would somewhere else.
Definitely visit the campus you are planning to attend to get a feel for what it will be like. Live on campus for at least your first year, and go to all events that are offered before you start . Be open minded and try new things. Get to know your professors and don't be afraid to ask questions. Apply for all of the scholarships you can as soon as you can. Be informed about programs that are available and take advantage of them. Don't make your decision on the school you will attend based on what others are doing as their interests are likely to be very different. You don't have to know exactly what you want to do but it helps to have an idea. If your professors reccommend books ahead of time, make sure you read them. Enjoy your college time and make lots of friends.
I was raised in the age of movies such as "Back to the Future" and "Terminator." If there were to be anything gainied from these movies it would be the question that sparks the imagination: what if I could travel back in time? Now the question is more defined. The question is: what would I do if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior? My answer is simple. I would refuse the offer to go back in time. I am who I am because of my past and only consider the present to be the appropiate time to act and to change the chorse of history. Perhaps this is an original answer, but then again I do remember a similar lesson being taught by the childhood cartoon "Gargoyles."
My father went on the list for a heart transplant my junior year of high school. I grew up very quickly, but at the same time tried to remain young. Looking back on it I was very confused and I feel I had every reason to be. I took classes at the high school in the morning then went to the local community college in the afternoon,where I took a health professions course and obtained my certified nursing assistant license. I think going to the local community college was good for me in some ways, but it took me away from the high school environment. I played soccer so was somewhat involved in the school, but I really felt many of the events and school related functions were childish and a waste of my time. I wanted to stay home with my family and father. If I were looking back on me, I would tell myself to get involved! Stay young. I would not have attended the community college. I would have also taken a music class or something to take my mind off of home.
I would tell myself how important it is to find time for yourself. It is so easy in college to spend time with your friends and spend time studying that you very quickly forget to take time for yourself. As soon as you get settled in, it is important to find a place in the campus that you can escape to. You need to do whatever you have to do to make yourself successful, especially in your first year of school. It is also important to remember that it is ok if you and your roommate don't get along. You will find a group of friends that you fit in with. You will make friends on campus, but you need to remind yourself that it takes time. Its also important to remember not to stress about your grades. Your grades you first semester of school will probably be lower than you want them to be and it is ok. You need to make sure to use your teachers and your teacher's assistant. They are there to help you and are always willing to help you get the grades that you want to get.
There is a distinction between college and high school for a reason. Within college the initiative to succeed is put entirely upon your shoulders. A system of organization is a necessity for success. Organization in meetings, assignments, and studying will allow for a well developed academic experience.
Any study strategy that you have been taught is worth trying, everyone studies best in different ways. The best strategy is to try early so that your strategies are set as early as possible. The tests will come quickly, before many will set their strategies. If you do not understand ask, you must ask the same day so that you can keep up. The professor will assume your understanding if you do not ask.
If you follow these suggestions you will soon find a pattern and timing for your day and studies, this will leave you with some extra time. In this time you must learn to exercise regularly, it really does help you, and to relax. Relaxing with ping pong, pool, movies and sleeping are all great ways to unwind and not burn out. Even from one semester I?ve seen people burn out on the stress. Be careful.