In the search for the perfect college, three things need to be addressed. First the ideal size for the student. Ponder on high school experiences and conclude whether a larger or smaller is best for you. Second location: you'll be living there for year, you need to at least have the abvility to tolerate it. Third thing to think about is your social habits. Find a school that offers sports, clubs, small groups and events that are you are interested in. These groups will help emerse you into the University atmosphere and help form the foundation for the rest of your college experience.
College is not only about learning course material and ?getting the grade,? there is a lot to be said about the social aspects of a school as well. Above all else you want to pick a school where you are going get a good education and have a healthy social life. Too much emphasis on being a socialite will land you in academic trouble, while too much focus on your studies will make you miss out on friendships and experiences that are important both for you and for your future employers. When looking for a school you are trying to find a golden mean between quality academic s and strong social networks. The same balance is important for your life in college as well. Many students feel that getting good grades will land them in the job that they want. The fact of the matter is that employers do not want to hire grade grubbing automatons, but instead are looking for students who can produce quality work and get along with other people. Do not go to either extreme of work or play, but instead strive for the golden mean.
The best advice I can dispense to future college students is to disregard any pre-conceived notions of college life and moving away from home. As MTV used to say, "You think you know, but you have no idea." Allow yourself to be challenged--and it WILL be challenging, whether in academics, social interaction, the temptation of substances or something else. Have a sense of self, but allow yourself flexibility of mind and heart to grow. Experience life! Go out there and DO something! Life is short, and this is a valuable time to go places and do things you would not have the opportunity to otherwise. As far as finding the right college: Give it a chance. Stop waiting for things to work for you, and make a niche for yourself on your own accord. But, if it is not right, do not be ashamed in searching out other options. Be happy.
Learning shouldn't be a drag. After high school the pursuit of knowledge isn't a requirement anymore; it isn't some monotonous burden that you just want to be over. Learning isn't a means to an end; it is an end in itself. Being enriched and challenged by your college experience is an investment that is worth more than a degree you can hang on your wall or even potential job security. When embarking on the adventure of college learning, you should relish the privilege of having this opportunity, the audacity of expanding your world, and the disruptive and propelling hope that comes with putting yourself in a position to be changed by the ideas, thoughts, and people you encounter. I implore you not to waste your passions, limit your thoughts and convictions, or diminish your potential. Seek a university that will not narrow your vision to the world revolving immediately around you, but find a place of learning that will expand your vision to something more dangerous, more empowering, and that will shake you out of your comfort zone. Fear not to give yourself fully to learning, for it is a asset you can never lose.
I remember, from my senior year in high school, putting enormous emphasis on choosing the ?right? school. I thought that the college/university for me would be a prestigious one. A name to put on my resume that would help me get a good job, or better yet a good position in graduate school. I now realize choosing the right school is about finding a place that promotes an environment for the growth of mind and heart. Life is much more encompassing than attaining a good job. Such a school is enjoyable and provides an atmosphere that gets a person excited about life. Life is also made up of more than intellect. The right school is a place that fosters both matters of the mind and heart. Find such a place, and a person will find the right institute. However, this is only half the battle, once a person finds the right college it is up to them to make the experience worthwhile. It boils down to subjective truth: we are what we do.
Always visit the school that you are thinking about going to and always factor in cost when making a decision. You can still get a great education, even if it doesn't cost you 100 grand.
Just do it. Have fun adn let the stress slide off.
Pray about it, and have confidence in your decision.
There are many factors involved in choosing the right College. Some say it's the price tag of the education, and others claim it's the caliber of instruction. Though both are valid reasons to choose a College, what matters most differs for every person. The advice I give you is to take the time to reflect on who you are and what is most important to you and base your decision on those features. If you need to stay close to home because family is what's most important to you, then pick a school that is close. Don't feel pressure to choose a school because that's where your friends are going, or because others think it's right for you. Decide on which Colleges fit your desires and needs and apply for them. When you get there you'll find College is challenging academically, spiritually, morally, and emotionally. It is a time of growth and discovery both about yourself and the world. Take time to enjoy College in its good times and bad, and, if nothing else, learn from the experiences as well as the classes.
It has been my experience that college is a place where our nation's youth transform into the adults that enter into our society. Because of this observation I urge prospective students and their parents to look for a school whose goals aim to enrich the lives of their students. Professors who invest in students, Student Leadership who take time to get to know their fellow residents and classmates, and an administration that does its best to give the students every opportunity to exceed and excel are all integral parts to a successful institution.
It is also important to find a school that allows you to become independent and make your own choices. It is good for students to become responsible decision makers before they are exposed to the whole of society. Finding a college that is a safe place to make some mistakes and yet respects your decision making ability as a young adult is a critical part of developing one's independence. Taking ownership of your own future is a part of this, and also plays into the role of academic success. A healthy balance between academic and social commitment plays an important role in the college experience.