Widener University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Widener University know before they start?


College thus far has done a lot for me. I've realized what I want to do with my life and that no matter what I'm going to have to work for it. Choosing such a small school, I've made friends that I know will be there for years to come and I wouldn't change my decision if I had to do it over again. At Widener, there are so many things to be involved in and it's very uncommon to be turned down or not accepted. There is a great balance between schoolwork and social life. We have plenty of activities on campus, and plenty or parties off campus on the weekends. Overall, Widener has given me not only a great education but a great circle of friends. I'm very happy with my school and I would definitely recommend it to a prospective student.


I am currently a freshmen in college and in second sesmester. So far it has been pretty hard but easy to handle, at first it felt like a lot was being asked from me but then at the end of first sesmester I did fine with a 3.31 gpa. My college experience so far has been great and what I have gained from it has been knowledge. Reason being knowledge because not everything is handed to you and given to you easily, the syllabus is given the first day and from then your on your own. At first I found it hard because all we did was follow what was on the syllabus and it was up to us to decided whether the homework was going to be done because we had to get it off the syllabus. It has been valuable to attend collge because I'm valuing the money that I put in it, I pay for college although a loan is being taken out it'd hard work money at the end so might as well put my all into it if at the end it's going to help me and make my life better.


To be honest, college has been a waste this far. Few teachers actually teach me anything. I spend most of my time teaching myself the crap that I am paying the teachers to teach me. I spend tens of thousands of dollars each year for nothing. College has basically taught me that as long as I keep a relationship with the Lord then I will be able to make it through everything. The only constant for me in college has been my reaching out for God. He helps me get through each day one at a time. I guess in a way college has taught me the most important lesson of my life.


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience thus far. I learned about many different types of people from all over the world, I especially enjoyed my computers classes considering they are towards my major. I got the most out of the professors. They are all open minded and easy to get along with, which once again makes the learning experience that much better.


As a dislocated employee, I had never gone to college before - and I was petrified upon learning I needed to go. I was a child who was never told they needed to go to school and continue my education - my father thought I was too stupid. I have more than proven him wrong! Not only am I getting A's and B's, but I have a great network of friends now (all going through what I am with family, work, and school full time). I was determined to be a valuable part of my school, so I became a New Student Expert & Student Ambassador. I help new students find their way, log on to the school website, and sign up for classes. I help people who were just as scared as I was, it is very rewarding. I have also become a tutor for PreTech Anatomy & Physiology. The advice I would give is simply this: Get Involved. Go to a basketball game, come to game night, join a club - you will be so glad you did. I feel very blessed to have this opportunity, I intend to make the most of it.


My college experience has given me the opportunity to grow as a person. I have learned many interesting things, and have gotten the chance to meet great people. It has provided me with valuable resources, the opportunity to read books and listen to experts in their fields, in turn this stimulation encouraged me to think and ask questions. I got the chance to explore new ideas., and also got the chance to challenge them. College is important because that is where professionals are made. By not attending I would only have hurt myself, and my future.


College has been a great experience for me. The past fall, my freshmen year, i had the oppurtunity to live on campus and experience the natural groweth of maturity and indepence hat is tneeded to me living on my own. I've learned the importance of responsibilty, time manegment, morals, values, and much more. College has opened my eyes to the real world that is no longer covered by our parents. This semister has helped me to grow into a strong and wiser person.


I am better able to face the world on my terms in regards to my education. I feel that I have received experience from some of the best and most caring professors, which has allowed me to do far better than I could have expected. And I have met what I consider best friends for life ; we have formed a tight knit group called "OPA" which stands for Over Powering Adversity - we hail from all different backgrounds and locations around the world, and we all hold leadership positions on campus. There are about 20 of us and meeting on the Widener University campus was the best thing to happen to us all. We help each other study and all have great GPA's. My college experience has been a life-changing event .


Attending college has been the most valuble thing in my life because it has set me apart from millions of other people in the job market. Throughout school I have learned many important things that will guide me in my future career. Every class has taught something new and invaluable in the field of Physical Therapy. Whether it be proper grammar in letters to physicians or the correct way to transfer a patient from a plinth to a wheelchair. Without my education I would not be able to get a job as a Physical Therapist which has been my dream since I was younger. I am lucky to say that college has truly set me on the right course for the rest of my life.


Though I have only been enrolled in college for one year so far, I believe that my experience has had a tremendous impact on my future already. Upon coming to Widener Univeresity I was fortunate enough to have already choosen a career path to follow which is Physical Therapy. The requirements for this major intales a seven year long learning process. I desided to take this curiculum as a good challenge to which I will concur to the best of my ability. However, in my mental preperations I did not quite acount for the transition from being and only child living at home to living in a dorm room. Some adjustments were harder than others but over all, with the help of people and staff around me the noramalcy of college life stuck and I am now a better person because of this. I am more independant and driven than ever. I also find myself excited to continue my college journey, no matter how long, and even more ecited to begin my career! This has been most valubal to me in every aspect of my life because I have grown more as a good, well rounded person for life.