Widener University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Widener University know before they start?


My college experience has matured me into a better person.A better education for my future family and myself.It has been valuable to attend college because I am the first in my family to graduate High school and attend College.It has helped me advanced in learning how to finance my bills, manage time with family and school, I how to meet deadlines.It has made me a stronger person.Maybe I can be the next president of the United States.I am honored to be the first in my family to be working towards a degree.I believe education is important and it will get you somewhree in life. College has taught me that its about succeeding and where you want to go in the future. It has prepared me for real life situations, the dynamics of culture, learning how to interact with others and grasping myself with every will and power there is . I get up every morning thinking about how bright my future is going to be. College has been a great experience and value to me because I know I will make a change for my country and the next genaration coming.


I want to go to school to study criminal justice and go on to law school. After I finish college I would like to become a family attorney. So I can have the satisfaction of helping someone else. I believe GOD put us on this earth for a plan and a purpose. I would love to help out the homeless because I think no one should be with out a place to lay there head at night and they should also have a home to call there own. Attending this college has been a very rewarding experience for me. I have been out of school for more than ten years, and this school has welcomed me with open arms. the professors are very knowledgable and sensitive to a student's needs.


I have a sister that is in high school so this question is easy. She has just satarted looking at colleges. I have told her to look at a lot of schools. I stress to her that the classroom size is very important. I always tell her to apply herself. Especially this year, being her junior year in high school. Junior year is the most important when you are looking for a college. Your grades have a very heavy effect on your college acceptence. Scholarships play an important part on which college you choose. So, do well so you can afford to and get accepted to the college of your choice. Also, one of the most iportant things is to choose a major that will lead to a job. I have seen many people get there degree in a field that does not have a lot of career opportunities.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, what advice would I give myself. I would have adviced my self to work hard and to save money for the expense of it all. To make the transition into college life easier on the expense and support of my family. Time management is also key, if you are not able to manage time you will get lost and delay getting work completed for your classes required to pass the class. The student life and independence makes you realize that you are now an adult and an individual with others going through the same experience. Your classmates become your support system and along with your teachers your new family.


As a senior within high school, I would advise myself multiple ideas to be able to accomplish more through transitioning to and living at college. I would state that I need to continue following my dreams of being a veterinarian, to give back to the horse community that taught me to be whom I am as a human being through morals, standards, and ambitions. Next, I would state that following my dreams is an ideal to never forget; and to never let myself down in any sense of the word. Also, reminding myself that staying on the same standards which my academic integrity and morals stand upon would insure that I will be who I truly am. Plus, saying that I should study more for my courses and to become even more active within the campus. In doing more activities than community, could help push myself to be better as a student within college and further my education as well. By giving this advice to myself would insure that I get the best education out of the time staying at college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would know that it is best if you organize your time. I would let myself know that staying focused is key and tha I need to take care of my health. I was a person that liked to stay up late on school nights. I would let myself know that if classes start early, it will become a hassle and I would need all the rest that I could in order to do well in classes. I would also let me know that there is a big transition from high school to college and reading and homework assignments are completely different. There is a lot more and organizing your time is key to completing assignments. I would also let myself know that I shouldn't take on more than what I can handle when it comes to trying to engage in different activities on campus.


When I was in high school, I was a straight A student, managed multiple extracurricular activities, and a job all at the same time. I rarely had time to study, but I got great grades anyway. When I started my first semester at Widener, I realized that it isn't so easy to balance everything on my own. Classes become very stressful, homework piles up, and before you know it you're cramming for finals. The best advice I would have for my high school self is to relax, keep a planner by my side, and write down every test and due date in advance. If you save a period of time every night to study, you will be comfortable in your classes and you won't have to worry about the last-minute chaos at the close of the semester. Knowing when assignments are approaching, staying on a schedule, and simply reading class notes each night makes an incredible difference in how smooth your transition from high school to college goes.


If I were able to go back and give myself advice about college, I would tell myself to make the decision about which college to attend carefully and look at every aspect of the school. This is because I started out at the University of Pittsburgh and transfered to Widener after just one semester. When I chose to go to Pitt, I underestimated the importance of class size, and later realized that I really wanted smaller classes. Another important piece of advice would be to cherish your high school memories, but not to let them rule your college life. High school was a great experience, but no matter how awesome you think your school was, no one is going to be able to understand those experiences unless they were there. So instead of trying to impress upon your new friends why your school was the best, focus on making new and even better memories in college.


If i could go back in time and tell myself how to make it through college i would deffinetally tell myself to focus on school only. College is so much different from highschool for the simple fact that you have a lot more free time, which you need to learn how to manage. Hence you have a lot of time it is easier to slack off. I would also tell myself to focus on the important aspects like studying and doing homework rather than what could i do on the weekends or worrying about boys. Those things can take up so much of your time that before you notice you start slacking off with your school work. It's very important to stay on top of your work and read the given material to understand better what is being tought to you.


The information that I have gained upon entering college leads to me to advise myself to stay on top of all my work. College is not an easy task to slide through. You do not get as many chances to go back and correct the mistakes you have made on a paper or test. It requires a lot of thought and time effort. Studying is key in college. I pretty much was preparing myself for college throughout my high school years. Staying focused is key as well because there are a lot of distractions in college. So, with all this I would have told myself to study a little bit longer. I am very good with time management and was in high school so I pretty much am on top of my skool work, but that is key advise to give yourself. To add a little bit of humor, I also would not have bought the clothes and things that I wanted back then and should have saved it for college. That was one of the major transitions that I had to adjust to because college is not cheap.