Wilkes University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wilkes University know before they start?


Don't worry so much, and work much harder than you are now. Making friends comes easy at the small school you chose to attend. Play lacrosse and do not worry if you are good enough. You can always train to make yourself beter. High school is complicated compared to college. Here you create your own schedule and do what you want whenever you want to. Always work hard and never skip homework.


Dear Young One, I have been in the same position that you are in now. You are nervous and scared of what is to come. Everything is changing for you, and it seems like these changes are coming rapidly. Take a step back and RELAX. It is not worth losing sleep over. Sometimes, in order to fully understand what we are capable of, we have to step outside of our comfort zone and experience what we have never experienced before. You will be pushed beyond your limits in college, there's no doubt about it. The question is, will you choose to overcome any challenges that are presented to you? I have full confidence that you can. But, it's not about me believing in your potential, it is about you believing in yourself. Remember that. There will be days where no matter what you do, everything will seem to go wrong. Look to your most trusted friends in school to help guide you through your darkest days. That's what they are there for. Most importantly, believe that you are destined for great things because I know for a fact you are. Sincerely, A person who truly understands


Being a senior in high school is tons of fun, you're at the top of the pile, above all of the underclassmen. It's a wonderful feeling that you only get to experience once in your life, but when next fall shows up, you're back to square one and being a freshman. It's intimidating. Not everything's going to go your way. You may be told that you're getting one thing only to be screwed over in the end. It might seem like it's impossible, but it's not. Tough it out. It's going to be fantastic. Soon, you'll start talking to your classmates, whether it's on yesterday's biology exam or complaining about calculus homework. The transition isn't easy, short, or perfect, but it's definitely worth it. College is a blast, go out and enjoy it.


To focus on school a lot more. With good grades comes good grants and scholarships. From the time you recieve the first semster bill, you come to the relization that college is not cheap. Although you may have known this before, you had no idea. Houses and cars are expensive but college is just as much if not a whole lot more. The expenses are what leave a lot of people without educations, people that have the potential to change the world. Therefore, the one and only piece of advice that I would want to give myself would be that time with books is money for books in the long run.


I would tell myself that I am a very smart individual and that I need to apply myself. I would push myself to strive more and tell myself not to procrastinate.


It is important that you explore the many different schools and make multiple visits, so you get to know the community and area surrounding the school. It is important that you take the time to meet with the professors and talk about the various majors/minors to understand what they truly mean. Ask professors what students are leaving schools with careers, and how they feel about the students. This is very important because you can quickly realize whether you will fit in and be comfortable. Remember that it is not only those big named schools where success can be made. There are many success stories at the smaller Divison C schools as well as the large Universities. It is important that you find the school that fits you, not the school where you think you will fit in.


Being a college student, I would tell my high school self to go directly to Wilkes University, rather than Bloomsburg University for a semester just to realize it is not the right place for me. I would tell myself to remain calm on the first day of classes, as the entire syllabus is dissected and the classwork seems daunting and impossible. I would tell myself to simply be myself and I will make a ton of friends. I would say to seek help in your classes when you are struggling, because you will fall behind if you don't. I would also tell myself to pay attention in your classes, as everything your learn in high school can help you in college if you absorb it and apply it properly. Lastly, and maybe most of all, I would say soak it up; high school is a great time in a young adult's life. Anticipate the future, but don't overlook the present. It flies by before you know it.


I have received a lot out of my college experience. I have received knowledge and a challenge. The professors at this university force students to think out of the box to learn. Although I plan on transferring, I would reccomend Wilkes University to other students because my time there has been vaulable. While attending college I have learned I do not want to major in what I really believed I did. I am currently looking at different majors and the advisors here have made that one of their top priorities. It is wonderful to feel like you are someones top priority. From this college experience I have learned to be strong in what I believe in. For example, just because other students are going to parties does not mean everyone is, and you can find friends who have the same values as you. I have found friends I will have for life which means everything to me. I believe this college experience has made me a better, stronger person.


I would tell myself to join a facebook group about the college I am interested in and learn as much as I could about the school from other incoming freshman and upperclassman. You really need to use other student's knowledge and experiences to the fullest extent. Never buy the books before going to a class. Many professors change their required text or have no intentions of using the $200.00 book they want you to purchase. Stay in good touch with your senior English teacher. They will come in great handy when you want them to check over a college paper you wrote. Their feedback is incredible. When you are finally packing for college be sure to bring a bunch of food. When you're up late studying you'll get the munchies and snacks come in handy. Along with that, the cafeteria food is repetative so it gives a little variety to your diet. Don't bring a tv for your first year, it keeps you from studying in your room. There is a tv in the lounge that you are free to use. Also, you might never leave the room and we don't want that either.


This fall I started my freshman year at Wilkes University. I did very well in high school so thought I was prepared for college. But when coming to college I realized that I could have been more prepared. Not only is academics harder in college, but living on your own is also challenging. If I could go back in time, then I would advise myself to study harder. Sometimes in high school I would memorize for a test and get an A. I wish that i spent more learning the material so that I can use it in the future. Also in high school I always studied the night before a test, but in college you need to start atleast a couple weeks before. I would advise myself to attain better study habits. Additionally I would advise myself to become more independent. Instead of waiting for my mom to do my laundary I should have done it myself. I would suggest that I learned time mangement. In college there is always so much to do and so little time, so with the correct time mangement skills you can make your life easier. These are the things I would advise myself.