College is not a joke. It is not freedom from your parents. It is hard work, dedication, and focus. You may not just go off to college and start into a social life, you need to prepare you time wisely. Make charts and schedule everything you have planned to do. Time management is one of the most important things you need to be successful in your studies. Also do not be afraid to approach your professors and fellow classmates. They are here to help you, not be against you. Have someone in your class push you to your best ability and have competition. Get involved in everything you can possibly help it, but do not let it control your time. Enjoy your weekends, and find a set of friends that you will share for a lifetime. This is a once in a lifetime experience. Celebrate it to the maximum.
Here is where you make your friends for life.In college is where everything changes and where you become independent.Here is where challenges get thrown at you all the time and you must be prepared for everything.Don' t take no class as a joke.Try to learn something every time you walk in a class because it will help you in the real world. Don't be scared not to graduate in the four years you are suppose to becuase no one is going to help you or help you decide what you want to do after this.
Don't have too much fun freshman year and actually take your classes seriously. This is not just another opportunity to goof off and hope that the grades will come. You must work hard because if you do not start now then when will you? Your life is now in your hands and no one else's, no more help from mom and dad. This is it. It can either be the end of your academic career or the beginning of the life you always dreamed of. Don't take it for granted!
Dont worry about not getting an acceptance letter from the colleges you choose to apply to. If your confident in your ability to work and succeed in higher education then the cooleges will notice too. Also, dont worry about money problems because the college of your choice will always be there to assist you in getting financial problems in order.
Don't ever be afraid to ask questions of anyone around you. Along with being great advice for going through high school, college, and life, this small action will enable anyone to learn the most from the world around him/her. If you're interested in a college, make sure to ask ANYTHING that will make your final decision easier and more well-informed. Many colleges have services that they offer, but do not actively advertise to students interested in the school. You will be spending the next portion of your life at the institution, a place that will shape your future in ways that you cannot yet imagine. You will also be making a financial commitment to the school-be sure to use the services that you need and for which you are paying.
Final note: Ask students who attend the school to share their experiences with you. They offer a perspective that you cannot get from the admission staff.
The best advice I can give to any parent or prospective student looking for a college is find a school that best suits your needs, however find a school that is not ridiculously expensive. This is so incredibly important because of our current economic state. Loans will be harder to obtain and financial aid will be a rarity.
Each student should choose a college that fits your personality the most. When you visit colleges and learn particulars about the university you get a certain feel for what is right for you. Personally, I felt that at a few different schools that did accept me. Ultimately, I chose the school I am at for a few key reasons. The school was affordable, convieniently close to home so i could keep my job, and it was small and accredited in my field so I knew I'd get a rewarding education. In college you need to make the experience as a whole, engaging and stimulating. I feel college is a time to learn everything about you and try things that may have been out of your comfort zone in the past. New experiences will turn you into a person that can handle any situation and make you wise in your future. Take classes you find intersting. Learn all you can about your concentration, and make friends that make you happy. College is the beginning of your life and you need to do everything in your power to start your life on the right foot.
I went for the dance program, not really happy with the rest of it, but dance is very important to me so it was worth it
I would advise any future students to research all the possible schools that hold your major and to visit the schools. Only until you visit the school will you know for sure if the college or university is right for you. Also, when accepted and entered into your dream school, make the most of your college experience by making friends and going out. Never let anyone discourage you in things you want to do. Maybe you will meet your future best friends that have the same interests as you.
To students: make it happen. As you may well have figured out, this is one of the first steps in a long line of decisions you will make that change your life. Begin with an idea of what you're looking for and keep the ball rolling. Never hold back because you're afraid of change; after all, the search for a college is a huge change in and of itself. Plans will be altered, majors will be switched, and goals will be moved to keep up with a moving mind. Very little is set in stone. Embrace this flexibiliy and uncertainty while you can- from these come the opportunities that you just may be looking for!
To parents: let it happen! This is a pivotal point in your child's life. Preparing to push them out of the nest and see how they fare on their own is understandably unnerving. Keep in mind, however, that they're learning to be their own person. Be there for guidance and support, but allow yourself to sit back and watch. The decisions your child is being faced with will change them forever- let them make the most of it.