William Jewell College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about William Jewell College?


I probably brag most about the campus. The different buildings, especially the PLC where all of the students study. The campus is gorgeous but I also like to tell them how hard students have to work. The CTI courses are no joke.


I mostly brag about the high level of education I am recieving and the prestige of the school. William Jewell is an academically challenging school and helps prepare students for exciting careers. It is very refreshing to consistently learn of and be reminded of all the successful and enthusiatic alumni that have attended William Jewell.


It is very academically challenging.


I brag about the size of my school. It is nice to be able to walk outside and know at least half the people that I see. In addition, my professors recognize me outside of the classroom, and always ask how I am doing. They are available if I need help, advice, or just want to talk.


I brag mostly about our visitation policy. Last year as a freshman it was visitors from 12 noon to 1 am. This year for upperclassman there is 24 hour visitation.


Every single one of my professors knows my name. My professors know their stuff, have been there and done that.


I like to talk about how much we cover in the courses and how much real-world application there is from the things learned in the courses.


That it is near a major city center, and has lots of activities that similar schools cannot, because of their location. For instance, students can attend major league sporting events, theatre, opera, art festivals, bars, and mueeums.


My professors know me and care about my work. The cafeteria ladies are nice to me; the grounds are gorgeous. The library is quiet and provides good space to study. I know most of my classmates, and most of the older classes, while only a few of the younger classes. Facebook allows me to get to know OF everyone on campus. It's academically rigorous in my major.