The most frustrating thing about this school is registration. Registration is hard for every college student but it is very difficult here. The class sizes are smaller but there are not enough sections of each class. Some departments do not have enough teachers to offer the amount of classes they should have. The good classes fill before most sophmores can register and sometimes even juniors. Some classes are only offered every other year and make it hard for a student that declared a major later.
The most frustrating thing about my school is trying to get all of the classes i need in order to graduate done in four years or less. Four years is the ultimate goal to finish a degree, but it is understandable if it takes longer than that.
The most frustrating thing about my school would once again be the transportation from west campus to main campus. I had to use the bus/van all year last year and I wasn't able to go back to my dorm to get things easily because it would take so long.
The most frustrating thing about Winona State is that the fitness center is a couple blocks away so it is not that easy to get over there whenever I have some spare time.
The most frustrating thing about my school is that it is located in Minnesota and it gets really cold outside during the winter when I have to walk to class.
The cafeteria lines are long during lunch hours. In both parts of the campus, There is only one line for carding in to eat.
The most frusrating thing I've encountered so far at Winona State University would be registration. There are barely enough seats in a large number of the classes for all the students trying to take them. Many students have to finish up the university requirements later on in their college education because those required courses were already filled up when they were able to register. I think many students are adapting to this issue quite well by setting up second, third, even fourth choices just in case they don't get in the classes they want.
My program (German) has been cut, and I was the last person allowed to declare a German Major. Now I have to take every German class offered, when it is offered, with no chance of a do-over because it is the last time they are being offered. And myadvisor is not helpful and tends to make me feel worthless and dumb.
The one thing that frustrates me the most about Winona State is that sometimes it seems like the school seems to care more about college appearance than education. Right now they are building new dorms to replace the old ones that still work fine. They are spending money where it should not be spent rather than hiring more professors to help with the growing student population.
Getting the classes that you want.