Wright State University-Main Campus Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I attend Wright State University. Founded in 1964, Wrigh State was originally the Dayton branch campus of both Miami University and The Ohio State University. At that time it comprised of only a single building, Allyn Hall (named for Stanley Allyn, then-president of National Cash Register and one of the university's founders). A 1965 act of the Ohio General Assembly created the university. Wright State University was eventually chosen to honor the Wright Brothers, residents of Dayton.


Its friendly students and staff.


We are best known for the Wright Brothers and the air force base next door.


Wright State is best known for its accessibility for persons with disabilities. It is also known for its Engineering program as well as Theater program. WSU is also one of the most diverse campuses in Ohio.


Wright State has a great nursing program, as well as a great engineering program. Our basketball team has been pretty good the past few years and we also have the Nutter Center. This is where our basketball team plays, but it also holds concerts, Dayton Bombers (hockey) games and many other events.


It is best known for being a relatively cheap school.


Being a commuter school. Recently we have been givien a multi-million dollar grant to upgrade our Medical School. Our nursing school is high-quality and competitive as well.


Basketball and education program


engineering, pre-med, and theatre arts programs


its work with wright-patt airforce base