Wright State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Wright State University-Main Campus?


Those who did well in high school and can afford to got to a better school. There are better schools in the state with more motivated students and better facilities.


I feel like a person who is not dedicated and focus on education and succeeding in life shouldn't attend wright state university. A person who only focus on parting and having fun rather than studying and going to class shouldn't attent wright state university.


Someone that is not responsible and able to make themselves accountable for their academic advancement should not attend this school.


Someone looking for a school in a big city should not attend Wright State. The surrounding area is calm.


In my personal opinion, students who are not willing to put in the extra effort and hard work that comes with being a four-year college student should not attend Wright State Univeristy.


All should attend this school. It takes pride in being diverse. It is also one of the most wheelchair accessible campuses in America


A person who does not want to be successful should not attend this college. Students who attend this college should be willing to learn and should be eager to meet new people and make friends. Young adults who only come to party and fail classes should not attend Wright State University because this is a college of successful individuals. Students who do not want to prosper in their field of study do not need to attend this college. Indivuals who lack the ability to be respondsible and respectful are not permitted in my point of veiw to attend this university.


Someone who's rascist. Someone who doesn't really like inner city. Someone who wants a huge school. Someone looking for a big party school.


Someone who doesn't like to work hard.


Anyone can