Xavier University of Louisiana Top Questions

Describe how Xavier University of Louisiana looks to someone who's never seen it.




Xavier University has a very diverse faculty and staff that are very helpful to students academically and are willing to help you pursue your goal whenever possible.


My school is very family orientated. Its an enviroment where you know that the proffesors and administrators are here to help you better yourself not only educationally but as a person too.


My school, Xavier University of Louisiana is a good academic school that will help prepare you for your inteneded major.


Xavier University is a school of academic excellance, its the motto and lifestyle of the univeristy.


Xavier University of Louisiana is a good school to go to for those who have a strong interest in the science field.


Xavier is a fun school if you know how to balance your time.


A fun cultural as well as acedimic place to grow.


Xavier University of Louisiana is the only Catholic Historically Black College and/or University and is number 1 in sending African-Americans to medical school.


Xavier University of Louisiana is very close knit


Xavier University is a school that allows students to have one-on-one time with their professors' the teacher to student ratio is less of most universities.


Xavier University is a great school if you are very serious about your education. It's one of the top schools in the country and it's a historically Black college which is especially great for African-American students. The campus is very small so you don't have to worry so much about getting lost and because of the small campus, it feels more like our own community.


XU is a Historically Black College that cares about the development of it's students, both academically and personally.


At Xavier, academics are always first and we strive to produces the best students to work in the medical field.


Fun, outgoing, expensive HBCU.


Its an academically based strong science school with not a lot to do most times,except study.


My school is a gumbo of different styles and personalities that come together for the greater good of friendship, fun and academic excellence within a somewhat small community and which is our campus.


Johnson C. Smith University is a great place to come and experience life and education at its best.


A small friendly community.


Xavier University is a close knit community that is eager to help out others in need.