Have more fun. College only happens once. Stay focused but enjoy yourself more.
Never give up on your dreams. People are crazy, so beware. Always trust in yourself, you have been reared by an excellent woman, you have what it takes to be the best!
Do not go to a HBCU. Do not listen to your parents when looking over acceptance letters. Go to the college that you want to go to. Be ASSERTIVE!
My advice to myself as a high school senior would consist of three things. First, keep an open mind when deciding your major. As a Senior I always thought that biology would be the major that only interests me, however once taking elective classes that did not pertain to my major, I realized that minoring or even switching my major is something I am definitely considering. Second would be to participate in clubs that are completely different from the ones you choose in highschool. Although in highschool, I was active in the student body, I mainly had friends to rely on to keep me company or influence me to join their club. But once in college, you don't have that same group of friends to do that with, so join clubs that interest you and even one or two that you normally would not in high school. Its a great ice breaker and a chance to meet new people. And lastly, priorize and use time management skills. College is the worst place to have the case of procrasination as I did. The stress alone can affect your mood, performance on test, and your overall attitdude. Manage your time wisely.
Although you are very excited to leave Texas, don't be too eager and take things slow and don't get too crazy although you won't. The school is very challenging and you need to take it serious or you shall fail. But, you are young and think you know everything which is common but you know nothing, so behave yourself. Also, boys are idiots and if they don't like you don't fret. You is fine, you is smart, and you is important.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself in high school, there would be so much discussion and advice. First, I would talk about the importance of applying for scholarships early. Financing a college education is so costly in today's economy with schools being so frugal. Next, I would tell my former self to make more campus college tours to get a better perspective on the university. This probably would of changed my current college career plans. I would probably not be attending my current institution although I love it now.
Next, I would tell my former self to examine people carefully. In life, there are acquaintances and friends. In college, many are acquaintances due to networking around campus. Therefore, it is best to be with people that support my interests. There is a fine line between a friendship and a networking opportunity. Finally, I would tell myself to save more money and not spend it unwisely. In college, unexpected costs like books and fees happen quickly. College is an amazing journey to take but difficult to survive without thinking wisely.
Dear Old Self, Hey man its me Josh in the future. Im in college sitting here writing you this letter because we have a few things to discuss. Stay focused man, work hard in those AP classes because it will prepare you for college. Josh make sure you go to class and study; these girls and your friends will be there in the long run. Take an oppurutinty to apply for sholarships so you can make it easier on your parents because the money is out there. Dont wait until the last minute to study for test Josh because it wont help you in the long run. Making notecards for yourself does actually help. Im not saying be so school driven that you dont have fun in high school. By all means have fun but make sure you do things in moderation kid. Take care of the family and help out mom with your sisters and brother as much as you can. Most importantly in life yo will see obstacles thrown your way but Never, Never let anyone tell you you cant do something. Phillipians 4:13 carry it with you,
Sincerely, Future you
Elizabeth, there is so much you need to know before you go to college. Here are a few important tips to ease your transition from high school to college.
Make sure you have a steady sleeping schedule. You need to get at least seven hours of sleep every night, or you will regret it during class the next day.
Save as much money as you can. College tuition is expensive, and textbooks and supplies make attending college almost impossible.
Take very thorough notes. If your professor allows you, record his or her lectures and take even more notes when you get home. Also, read the textbook or assignment before you go to class so that you understand what your professor is lecturing about during class.
Either form study groups with quiet, focused individuals, or don’t form them at all. If you make study groups with your close friends you’ll just end up talking the whole time, and you won’t get any actual work done.
Don’t procrastinate; do your homework as soon as you get it, otherwise you won’t end up getting everything done in time and your work won’t be good quality.
If I knew then what I knew now, I would have told myself to stay focused no matter what distractions may have come in my way. I would have told myself that although I will have to sacrifice somethings such as a social life and my time, in the end it would pay off. However, if I knew my brother would be murdered my junior year of college, I may not have come all the way to New Orleans from Buffalo, NY. However, If I knew then what I knew now, I would appreciate those in my life that I love and my time a lot more than I have in the past. I would also have been better equipped myself with better time management skills. That is essential in college.
I would have told myself to research the school myself. I did not conduct any research at all when making my decisions on coming to Xavier. I would also tell myself to talk to the student you left the school and what was their rreason for leaving. Last thing I would have done differently is I would have went to visit the campus first and also the city I will be living in.
Once I go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that there is nothing to worry about. I will tell myself that it is everything that I had imagined. The stress and the hard work to get to the top is all there. I would also tell myself not to worry if I have a hard time making friends because by the time I hang out with a few people, I will gradually be able to make friends with them. It may take some time at first, but it will be worth it in the end because they are the ones who help you get by at school. Another piece of advice I would tell myself is to practice planning out my day so that once I'm in college, I would be able to follow that plan easily and not get distracted. Also, I would tell myself to lay low on the unhealthy foods as I go through school because it's going backfire in a few years.
If I could go back in time and speak to my high-school self, I would give myself several words of encouragement. I would remind myself that I have the work ethic, ambition, and skills needed to do well academically, and that I shouldn't expect anything less than the very best from myself. I would remind myself to keep in touch with old friends, teachers, and employers, because who you know is an invaluable asset to many opportunities. I would also instruct myself to form relationships with my professors and make myself known as a studious, competent individual. However, while I was encouraging myself to be a great student, I would also tell myself that it is important to give myself a break every once in a while. I would attempt to get myself to be more sociable and make new friends, provided that they are the right kind of people to hang around. I would encourage myself to surround myself with supportive, studious individuals so that we can all support each other. I would tell myself most importantly not to stress over things I can't control, be patient, and enjoy the experience.
I would have studied a bit harder and applied for scholarships. Not having enough student loans to cover school is a constant worry and I just wish I had a scholarship to help me from worrying so much.
Save a lot of money towards college cause you are going to need it. Be ready to focuse and dedicated to your work.
If I was entrusted with the gift of time travel, I would give myself two nuggets of advice. First, never settle for mediocrity for the comfort of the majority. Flashback to freshman year biology- my teacher complemented me on a question I asked and someone behind me mumbled a critical remark. In my effort to fit in, I began to withhold my enthusiasm for the subject matter and my grades suffered.
On the other hand, I would say, “Monie, passion pays!” Later in my college career, I rediscovered my love for Spanish and my heart’s desire was to study abroad. To my surprise, my idea was met with the stern disapproval of my advisors in the biology department, but I couldn’t let that stop me. I needed to be able to look myself in the mirror in ten years say I made the right decision. So I went anyway and after just one year in Mexico City, I had earned enough credits to qualify for a Spanish degree! I now hold B.A. in Spanish and a B.S. in Biology and I have no lack of job opportunities!
As a high school senior back in the 1996-97 school year, I was very prideful and thought I had it all together. My GPA was a 3.71 and I was in the top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my class. I did not want to settle for anything less than becoming a doctor because for me this profession represented power and control. I never wanted to be in any position(s) that required me to be an assistant or technician in which I had to submit to someone over me. Currently, I am working as a high school paraeducator in severe/profound in the Lafayette Parish School System and am working on my M.A.T. in Special Education at Liberty University.
Knowing what I know now I would tell myself not to shut people out especially those giving sound advice. Take a profile test and determine what are your likes and dislikes because this way you will be able to make an intelligent decision about your major. Apply for as many scholarships as possible so that you don't have to struggle and that way you will be able to pay for college, buy a car, and meet your needs.
The advice that I would give myself is to complete as many scholarship applications that I possibly can, no matter how many essays that have to be written. As well as, take advantage of all the information that is given.
The best advice I would give myself was to study HARD and to fend for myself because highschool is where a lot of the teachers baby you. You have to fend for yourself in college. No one is going to baby you, no one is going to be in your ear telling you what to do and what not to do. No one is going to give you guidelines on how to pass. Everything is up to you and how much you want to recieve the best quality eduction.
I would tell myself to join more extra-curricular activities. Though academics are important, its also important to be social and well rounded. Also start looking for scholarship and financial aid as early as possible. When transistioning into college, slow down take a deep breath and enjoy each moment. Just relax and take each day as it come.
The advice that I would give myself is to never give up on my dream. I would always have to prepare for the best and expect the worse. Every year changes drastically. It is alright to make mistakes, but make sure you make the effort to make up for it. Follow your instincts. If you're happy with what you have, stay with it. If it does not make you happy, find something that will. Apprecriate for what you have such as the education that mom being the single parent work so hard to give. Take your time. The only person that can only do it for is you! And, remember be happy for who you are and in what you do, because even thought there are dark moments along the way, the future is still very bright.