York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

Describe how York College Pennsylvania looks to someone who's never seen it.


My school is one of the most diversed but also down to earth college I have attended.


Small but spirited


YCP is student and acedemically focused.


It is very "clique-y" like highschool.


It is a nice school


My school is one in which the average student can do well and not struggle, the professors have a different approach to teaching in which the student interact more in the classroom with your classmates so everyone can succeed instead of long homework assignment and cramming for tests everynight, its a place where you learn by interacting and doing instead of falling asleep in class.


A cheap, private institution with great programs and strict anti-drinking ideals.


A struggling school in a bad area; half the students are there for education, a quarter are there because there parents are paying for social purposes. and the other quarter are just floating along, trying to find their way in life