York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


It is small and so you get a good relationship with every professor. The professors are kind and do not want to see you fail, and will help you if you ask. The entire faculty feels like a support network.


The best thing about my school is the quality education I am getting for my major. York's nursing program is a well known program that has a good reputation. This program will help to pave my future in getting a job to support myself for the rest of my life.


York College of Pennsylvania is a fantastic school to attend. The best part about the school is that the teachers truly care about their students. Professors are able to take an interest in their students because the classes are small, rather than being in big lecture halls. The professors are always willing to make time to talk after class for help, however, that is only if the student shows that they are interested in furthering their education.


I think that the best thing about my school is the people, from the student body to the staff to the professors. At this school, there is an open friendliness and acceptance where people are willing to make conversation and help you if you need it. Clean facilities and great resources are essential, but overall I believe that the people in an institution make up the atmosphere, and here the atmosphere is accepting.


The sense of community, closeness and overall size.


I think that the atmosphere and the scenery is amazing here. It's so peacful and relaxing to just read a book in the grass. It's amazing


the ability to live in nice on-campus apartments


The best thing about my school is that the campus is so friendly and since the first day I got here I have made amazing friends. The school is the perfect size not too big not too small and just right that its a great place to meet the type of people you are looking for.


The best thing about school would have to be the number of friends i have made here already. After only the first weekend here, it felt like I've known my friends for weeks and after the first month it felt like we 've known each other for years. Living together, interacting together is a great way for us to really get to know one another and actually take the "he's my friend" thing and mean it. I love it!


Although the cost is a big issue for York the best thing about the school is they have an awesome reputation and I feel like I am getting a decent education. Part of the reason my parents were so fond of the school is because of its reputation. Nearly every person we have talked to, that have either attended the school or know someone that has gone there, all highly recommend it. Also the field which I am looking into, nursing, is one of the best programs offered at the college....so chyeah it is pretty fabulous in that regard.