Youngstown State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Youngstown State University know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself go to college first. It would save you a tramendous amount of heartache. I was tempted right out of high school with a job that paid well for an eighteen year old kid. I took that job and did not go to college. I wish now, I would have waited on that job and had gone to college. I am not a 33 year old mother of two boys and I am in school again. I enjoy what I am doing now and I know that when I have my degree, it will help my family in more ways than one.


When I was a senior, the advice I wish I would have been given that i realize now is to never let others bring me down. I was bullied a lot in my high school years and I let it get to me. I was to the point where I thought I was no longer wanted on this earth and that it was time for me to go. I had many thoughts about committing suicide and thinking back now, I should have never gotten to that point. I should not have let those bullies get to me like how I did. I finally decided to go to the doctor and help myself before things got worse. From then on I told myself to only have good thoughts on life and I realized that people loved me and would not want me to leave their lives, so I put the past behind me and moved forward with my life and i couldn't be any happier.


Relax. Change and new things can be scary and stressful, but you're going to be fine. Take on college with an open mind and a positive attitude. You will get out of this experience what you put into it. Just do your best, keep your goals in mind, and don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance if you need it. Think back to your first day of high school: You worried about finding your friends, finding your locker, finding your classes, and what the teachers would be like. After a week though, those worries were gone. You adjust. Just like you will in college. Your first days of classes will come and you will see that it was nothing worth worrying over. In fact, you may even come to enjoy it.


The advice that I would give my high school self is that when you come to college, you can't worry about anybody else but yourself. You are out here for one reason and one reason only, and that is to get a decent education, your degree so you can have a better life for yourself and your future family. If you come to college with out a gameplan and your priorities together, you will fail. This is not the time to party nor is it the time to be involve in petty disagreements that can result you getting dismissed from the campus. Keep your eye on the prize and remain positive and productive.


I would tell myself to focus more on school. Set a goal and work on achieving that goal. Never underestimate yourself. You don't know what you are capable until you really try.


Dear Old Me, Relax. College isn't what you'd expect. You mave have had a hard time socializing with other students in high school, but there's less pressure of making friends in college. Most students in college are more worried about their education than what other's are wearing or who's the most popular. There could be some students who share the same dream career/ or interest outside of school as you. You'll have a chance to re-invent yourself into the person you wanted to be in high school, but in a more sophisticated way. The great thing about college classes is, you can choose the day and time for your schedule and all the help is there in front of your face so take advantage of that. Do not procrastinate. The internet, friends, or dating will still be there for you to enjoy, so make your grades your top priority. Spend your money wisely and find ways to save money. Do not procrastinate. ( very useful advice). You can learn alot about yourself in college by life experiences and the decisions you make. Enjoy this journey while you can because you only live once.


The most important advice I would give to any highschool senior would be to take the time to fill out scholarships. There are a plethora of scholarships out there, and if one is dedicated to filling out scholarships a student could possibly go to school for free. I did not take time to fill out scholarships, and now as I am in my first semester of college, I am having trouble finding finances to continue my education next semester. So high school seniors, have patience and fill out scholarships!


Dear me Please watch who you associate with. Some of your "friends" will try and bring you down. You are one heck of a guy and don't need any unnecessary drama. Keep studying hard and working towards your goals. Remember to save your money and realize there is a difference between wants and needs. Also brush up on your cooking skills in case you have to whip up a meal for a cute girl. Chicks dig a guy that can cook. Remember to regularly shave and look presentable. Keep up with your classes and don't let other things distract you. Work on your communication skills and networking skills. Please keep looking and applying for scholarships and keep the grades up!


We often hear study hard it will pay off not only study hard, but I say developed a study habit or pattern. Know what you want to go to college for before you register because you don't want to waste time and money switching majors. Keep improving your GPA this will be important when it comes to financial aid because the higher the GPA the more scholarships you can apply for to help pay for school, theirs people that's actually went through college independently without taking out loans and paid for school on scholarships. The GPA is important so don't go into college thinking I just want to past. How many go through college wandering if I don’t succeed I’m left with a enormous bill or if you finish your left with an enormous bill Knowing that your tuition is not only paid, but paid off will be a big weight you won’t have to carry going through your pursuit of college and graduation.


Do more focus on your studies more and have a better plan. Also prepare better for your future, a lot gets thrown at you very quick.