Youngstown State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Youngstown State University?


Probably the most frustating thing about YSU is the fact that most professors like to leave the most difficult assignments for the last couple of weeks in the semester and the student workload triples.


The most frustrating thing is the students who do not care to be there and complain about attending Youngstown State. I believe you get out what you put in, so if you make the most of your college education and work hard and enjoy it, you will lead a more successful life after graduation. I do not believe my school is one that should be looked down on just because it is small.


Financial Aid and repeating courses/ GPA recalculations.


The most frustrating thing about the college I attend is that there is not much of a college experience outside of campus or outside your group of friends. There are not very many enthusiastic social clubs or orgnizations, or at least students are not getting the best information.


The most frustrating thing about Youngstown State is that people do not see it as a good school because it is in Youngstown but it actually is a very good and challenging university.