College Admissions

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Ranking the Top 5 Components of the College Application

I tutored for several years before signing on with the great team here at Knewton. And during those salad days spent lugging the Big Blue Book around Gotham, parents always asked me to prioritize the components of the college application

6 Things Colleges Look For In An Applicant

Do you ever wonder what colleges are really looking for in prospective students? Well, here are the answers.

'I Will Survive': Dealing With College Rejection

It all happened so fast. You fell in love, made plans for the future, dreamt of the days when you’d be together forever, and just like that, it fell apart.

Being Waitlisted Doesn't Mean You Have To Wait

While many students are celebrating their acceptance into college, others are stuck on a waitlist in admissions limbo. If you've been waitlisted, there's a lot more you can do than wait.

Eight Questions To Ask When Choosing A College

In front of you are glossy brochures that represent X University and Y College, your top two choices, both of which have already told you they love you back. Congratulations! Here are some questions to ask yourself as you try to choose between the [...]

6 College Interview Tips to get you through, no sweat!

College interview questions can seem intimidating, but not if you're prepared! Follow these six college interview tips to make the best impression.

How to Handle a Holding Pattern: What happens if you’re Waitlisted or Deferred?

Every year, tens of thousands of applicants to colleges are not given a definitive answer and instead are waitlisted or deferred. Although these answers both amount to “maybe,” the subtleties are pretty different.