Correspondence Tips By Stewart Brown
The NCAA made September 1 a significant day for both high school juniors and college coaches. As this date approaches, college coaches at the NCAA1 and NCAA2 levels are preparing for their next wave of recruiting by being allowed greater written access to the juniors that they want to see at their institution two years from now.
September 1 allows college coaches to correspond with juniors in writing, including email.
Here are tips on how you should handle September 1:
1. Make contact first
Prior to September 1, email coaches at the programs that interest you. Discuss with them your interest in their program and why you believe their program is a good fit for you and what you can provide them. Include in your email the link to your PrimeScout profile where they can learn more about you and see your statistics verified by your coaches.
2. Reply to all college contacts:
No matter who contacts you, reply to them. The coaches have taken time to recognize your talents with written correspondence and it is good etiquette to respond in one of three ways.
a. “Thanks, I’m Interested”: If you receive correspondence from a program you are interested in write back immediately. If the coach has asked you for additional information be sure to answer his or her requests.
b. “Thanks, I will research you more”: If you receive correspondence from a program that was not on your original list but the correspondence has piqued your interest tell the coach that you’re interested and that you are going to do further research. Coaches will help you learn more about their institution and program.
c. “Thanks, but I’m not interested at this time”: If you know that you are definitely not interested, thank the coach for their interest but tell them you are focusing on other options.
3. Do not get frustrated:
If you do not receive correspondence from coaches on September 1 do not give up. These are preliminary communications and there is plenty of time for you to recruit yourself to the institutions that interest you.
4. Follow up with a phone call:
When you receive correspondence from programs that are high on your list, call the coach. Taking the initiative to call will put you at a greater advantage in the recruitment process than those who do not call. Email the coach and ask him/her when a good time to call would be.
Although the September 1 date is important it is not the end of your recruitment process. It is important that you keep researching schools, contacting coaches and taking visits. You need to make sure you are finding the right fit for all your academic, athletic and social needs.