By Ester Bloom, Ari Finkelstein, Jessica Dye, and Valerie Willis Share the wealth—or start stockpiling your 401(k)? The Unigo Guide to College Sinners and Saints takes a look at schools known for career-oriented Greed, and which are busy doling out the Charity.
CHARITY: Community service at these schools is more than a once-yearly bikini-clad car washing—it’s a daily commitment to global and community awareness. Villanova University (Villanova, PA): At this Catholic institution, community service is one of the most popular extracurriculars, and some service organizations become selective clubs. One student says, “On Villanova’s campus Community Service is huge. In order to participate in almost every service organization there is a very selective application process, very competitive.” While students have individual or group service projects, the entire campus comes together for some events. “On Special Olympics weekend, 95% of the campus volunteers, making it the largest student-run Special Olympics in the world,” states another. A third raves, “There are a wide variety of service opportunities on campus, in fact this is one of the most service oriented schools I know of or have heard of, and we exceed others by a lot. That culture and the community here makes Villanova a very welcoming place.” Gonzaga University (Spokane, WA): If you thought Bulldog basketball was the only thing to be passionate about at Gonzaga, think again. “There is a strong emphasis on service and the students respond freely and with much gusto because at GU we log huge numbers of community service hours. It is one of my favorite aspects about GU,” says a student. Some service is required for classes, writes another: “The best thing about GU is the opportunity to volunteer during school, and get involved in the community through social justice (required) and service learning classes, as well as weekly and weekend volunteer groups.” As a senior explains, “All clubs on campus are required to participate in some service. Almost all extracurriculars encourage the same from their participants. With well over 100,000 hours of service every year, it’s hard not to get involved.” Macalester College (St. Paul, MN): The intellectual students at this little liberal arts college have big hearts for global and community issues. “Macalester is about being involved and being active–in the classroom, local community, and world. Students are engaged in many different on campus activities, community activities (like civic service and internships), and study abroad,” says one senior. The emphasis on contributing to the global society is apparent. As an alum puts it, “The best thing about Macalester is its commitment to being part of a global community. Many of the classes have an international aspect built in which is furthered by the diverse students sitting in the classroom. The school also invited globally minded guests to campus to keep its students informed about the broader world.” A sophomore sums it up: “Education at Macalester is geared towards making us quazi-prophets. I.E after graduating, we will bring peace in the world by inducing Hezbollah folks and the Jews in Jerusalem to make out.” GREED: Think it’s too early to fantasize about your signing bonus? At these career-crazy schools, where resume-prep is practically a varsity sport, it’s never too early. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA): With one of the top business schools in the country on campus, ambition runs rampant among Penn’s student body. “Competition is fierce, particularly in the Wharton School, which has a strict curve and students [who] are licking their chops over 100-hour-per-week banking jobs,” writes one student. Even Penn students who aren’t Wall Street-bound get caught up in the campus culture of getting ahead. “Knowing that there is on-campus recruiting and that some people have six-figure salaries by September of their senior year drives people (even ones who have nothing to do with business or finance) to really push for jobs early and get down on themselves when they don’t get them,” writes a student. “When I [had] already applied to a dozen jobs and [was] bemoaning my lack of responses, my friends from other schools hadn’t even begun to think of where to send their resumes.” City University of New York-Baruch (New York, NY): Unlike students who get caught up in what friends and neighbors think about their college choice, Baruch students are laser-focused on what their degree means to their future bosses. “Baruch students have an edge when they graduate, they work harder than Ivy League school graduates who use their school’s name to get them a job,” writes one student. “Most companies like our work ethic, so they tend to choose us over other top universities.” Also working to Baruch’s advantage? Its Manhattan location, which puts students in prime position for networking and interning. And Baruch doesn’t let these opportunities go to waste. One student writes: “There are great people to meet there, and Baruch offers so many programs and so many internships and networking luncheons and so many clubs and much more.” University of Richmond (Richmond, VA): No matter what else they do during their college careers, Richmond students rarely take their eyes off that high-salary prize. “The education at Richmond is definitely for getting a job,” one student responds without hesitation. After all, that’s what drew them there in the first place: “Businesses…respect a person with a University of Richmond degree due to the prestigiousness of this school.” Even students with more abstract interests wind up stacking their resumes with pre-professional credentials. “I feel like a lot of students feel pressured that they are never going to get a job, so there are a lot of art students who double-major in premed or business,” writes another student. “A lot of people double-major on campus. If you are not double-majoring, prepare to tell people that you feel confident your degree will show your qualifications without five billion majors in it.”
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Disclaimer: Naturally you may have a different take on whether your college will receive a warm welcome in the next world. Let us know how you feel!